
Social media can be a fun way to connect with people and be entertained, but it's really important to stay safe online.

There are many types of social media, which can all be used for different things. Some of the most popular social media platforms include TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and YouTube, but there are lots more.

You can use social media to keep in touch with friends and family, meet new people, watch videos and play games. 

Social media can be fun, but dangerous or upsetting things can happen online sometimes. Here are some common things that can go wrong:  


This is when someone gets access to your account without your permission and sees your private information. Don't share your password with anybody, and make sure it's a strong one.

Illegal and offensive content

This is something you see online that feels dark or dodgy.

Online bullying

This is when someone is mean online.


This means posting something offensive or controversial to cause upset, get attention, or start an argument.


This is when someone pretends to be someone else online. They could be lying about their identity, name, age and where they live.


Beware of what you share privately as anything you send could be shared publicly or be used to blackmail you into sending money or doing something sexual. If someone has nude images of you and is using these to blackmail you, this is known as sextortion


This is when someone shares nudes or sexual images or videos to get revenge on an ex. This is illegal.


This is when someone tricks someone into buying something, clicking a link or sharing personal information. If the something online is too good to be true, it’s probably a scam. Scammers are out to steal your data or your money, so beware of clicking any links.

Feeling pressure

Social media can give the impression that some people are flawless and living their best life. This can put pressure on you or make you feel bad about yourself. Remember that you only get to see the highlights. Real life isn’t always perfect. Don’t be fooled by the filter, stay true to yourself online.

While the internet can be a great escape from everything, it’s important to find the right balance between spending time online, and reality. Remember to take regular breaks offline, spend time with friends and family, and try new hobbies that don’t involve the internet.

Set a timer for your apps, set daily screentime limits, or use the 20-20 rule (for every 20 minutes you spend on a screen spend 20 minutes away from your screen i.e., go for a walk). If you think you are spending too long online, do a digital detox; quite literally turn off all your devices and spend time outside.

If going online is worrying you, or you start feeling depressed or worried about your mental health and wellbeing, talk to someone, Speak to a trusted adult, like your parents or a teacher.

The best way to avoid the things that can go wrong on social media is to make sure you’re staying as safe as possible. These tips will help you keep your account secure:  

Before posting, it might be helpful sometimes to picture yourself saying it to your parents/carers, your teacher, your next-door neighbour, or a stranger in the street. Would you share it then? Be smart so you can have fun safely.

You can control what you choose to see online. If you don’t like something, try one of these steps:

It’s easy to fall into the trap of spending hours on social media watching videos, playing games and chatting. Spending too much time online can affect your private life, school work and your sleep. Try some of these tips.

Set time limits  

To avoid spending all your time on social media, setting a time limit on your devices might be a good idea.   

Turn off notifications  

Being sent notifications about someone’s new post can make you click on the app to check it out and end in you spending lots of time online. Turn off these notifications using your device settings.   


Talk to someone – even when you've taken all the steps you can to keep yourself safe, sometimes things can go wrong. If you need help, talk to an adult you trust, like family members, teachers, or youth workers. If you’re worried about starting a conversation with an adult, here are some tips.

  • App guides for families – information on the most popular apps, social media platforms and games, including how to block and report content
  • Childline - free and confidential helpline for children and young people in the UK where you can talk about anything – call 0800 1111
  • Internet Matters - step-by-step guides to privacy settings on social media, live streaming, and gaming apps 
  • Meic - free and confidential helpline for children and young people in Wales with advisers to help you find the support you need. Call 080880 23456, text 84001, or chat online