Guidance to help schools and settings develop their own curriculum, enabling learners to develop towards the four purposes.
4. Descriptions of learning
Descriptions of learning provide guidance on how learners should progress within each statement of what matters as they journey through the continuum of learning. Learn more about descriptions of learning.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I can, through play, explore, discover and begin to ask simple questions and offer possible answers based on previous experiences.
I have experienced a range of stimuli that have enthused and inspired me to imagine and be curious about my locality and Wales, as well as the wider world.
I have been curious and made suggestions for possible enquiries and have asked and responded to a range of questions during an enquiry.
I have experienced a range of stimuli, and had opportunities to participate in enquiries, both collaboratively and with growing independence.
I can use my experiences, knowledge and beliefs to generate ideas and frame enquiries.
I have actively engaged with a range of stimuli, and had opportunities to participate in enquiries, both collaboratively and independently.
I can use my experiences, knowledge and beliefs to generate ideas independently and frame enquiries, using a range of research approaches when required.
I can independently undertake a range of full and thorough enquiries, selecting the most effective approach and justifying my methodologies.
I am beginning to communicate my observations in simple ways.
I can collect and record information and data from given sources. I can then sort and group my findings using different criteria.
I can use appropriate methods to gather information related to my enquiries and I am able to interpret the information obtained in the context of the enquiry question.
I can analyse, present and reflect on my findings, describing patterns and explaining relationships across data and sources.
I can evaluate and reflect on my findings, synthesise information, analyse patterns and trends, predict possible outcomes (where appropriate), and present well-supported and justified conclusions.
I can recognise the difference between facts and beliefs.
I can understand the difference between facts, opinions and beliefs, and consider how this may affect the importance and usefulness of evidence.
I can reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches I have taken to my enquiries.
I can analyse the usefulness and consider the reliability and validity of a range of evidence relating to my enquiry.
I can reflect on the approaches I have taken to enquiries and identify areas of improvement for future enquires.
I can critically evaluate the usefulness, validity and reliability of qualitative and quantitative evidence.
I can independently evaluate the success of enquiries, suggesting improvements and refining methods for future enquiries.
I am beginning to communicate my findings in simple ways.
I can present what I have discovered in a variety of ways and draw simple conclusions.
I can present my findings in a variety of ways, drawing conclusions and making judgements based on the evidence used.
I can draw considered and reasoned conclusions to my enquiries, while understanding that other people may form different conclusions from the available evidence.
I can make coherent and reasoned responses and judgements that take into consideration different viewpoints.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I can form and express simple opinions about my likes and dislikes.
I can form and express opinions about something that is important to me, considering my own ideas, feelings and those of others.
I can recognise and explain that my opinions and the opinions of others have value.
I can recognise that opinions may change over time.
I am beginning to recognise other people’s feelings and viewpoints about familiar events or experiences.
I can form, express and discuss my own opinions on a range of issues after considering evidence and the views of others.
I can infer and compare people’s opinions, viewpoints and interpretations from sources and evidence.
I can express, discuss and justify my personal opinions and understand that interpretations can change over time, especially in the light of new evidence or when approached from a different perspective.
I can infer and evaluate opinions, viewpoints and interpretations from a range of sources and evidence in order to develop my own informed judgements.
I can appreciate a variety of perspectives on the world, recognise the limitations of my own perspective and have begun to challenge my values and opinions.
I can analyse, explain and evaluate the validity of opinions, viewpoints and interpretations, considering how they are shaped and influenced by a variety of factors, and how they can change over time. Subsequently, I can develop my own informed and justified judgements.
I can use evidence to explain how aspects of the past have been represented and interpreted in different ways.
I can begin to understand that interpretations are influenced by identity, experiences, viewpoints and beliefs.
I can explain, using a range of evidence, why people have different interpretations and that interpretations are influenced by the availability, validity and credibility of evidence, identity, experiences, viewpoints and beliefs.
I can explain how and why a range of different interpretations are formed and how they may change over time.
I can appreciate that responses to questions about life, experiences and the world are complex, and are often partial and inconclusive.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I am beginning to recognise the effects that I have on the natural world.
I can recognise why places are important to me.
I can describe how people and the natural world may impact on each other.
I can describe how places, spaces, environments and landscapes are important to different people and for different reasons.
I can describe and give simple explanations about the impact of human actions on the natural world in the past and present.
I can describe and give simple explanations about the impact that physical processes have had on people, places and landscapes in the past and present.
I can describe and give simple explanations on how and why some places, spaces, environments and landscapes are especially important to different people and for different reasons.
I can understand and explain how human actions affect the physical processes that shape places, spaces, environments and landforms over time.
I can understand and explain the range of factors that affect the interrelationships between humans and physical processes.
I can understand and explain how significant places, spaces environments and landforms in the natural world are associated with economic, historical, political, and religious and non-religious beliefs and practices.
I can explain and analyse the wide range of interrelationships and interdependencies between the human actions and physical processes that shape places, spaces, environments and landforms over time
I can evaluate the extent to which economic, social, political, cultural, religious and non-religious beliefs, practices and actions have led to changes to the natural world.
I have first-hand experience of the natural world and am beginning to recognise places which are familiar to me.
I can recognise the distinct physical features of places, environments and landscapes in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can locate and give simple explanations for the distinctive features of places, spaces and landforms in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can describe and explain the distinctive features of places, spaces and landscapes at a variety of scales, in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world, along with the processes at work in them.
I can give comprehensive explanations for the distinctive features of places, spaces and landscapes at a variety of scales in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world, along with the processes at work in them.
I can describe how and where some places and environments are similar, and others are different.
I can describe spatial patterns of places, environments and landforms in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can describe and explain why spatial patterns of places, environments and landforms may change over time in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can give comprehensive explanations for the spatial patterns of places, environments and landforms at a range of scales and predict how patterns and trends may continue or change in the future in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can recognise the distinctive features of places, environments and landforms, and how these may change.
I can give simple descriptions of how places, spaces, environments and landforms have changed over time.
I can give simple descriptions of the processes that lead to change in the natural world.
I can describe and explain how places, spaces, environments and landforms have changed over time and outline the processes that cause these changes in the natural world.
I can give comprehensive explanations and analysis of how and why places, spaces, environments and landforms have changed over time.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I am beginning to identify important events that have happened to me in the past.
I am beginning to understand that some events have happened in the past, other events are happening in the present and that more events will happen in the future.
I can sequence events and I am beginning to understand that the past can be divided into periods of time.
I can recognise similarities and differences between people’s lives, both in the past and present.
I can identify aspects of life in my community that have changed over time.
I have an understanding that the past can be divided into periods of time. I also have an understanding that these periods have distinctive features and are different from one another, as well as different from the present.
I can describe and explain similarities and differences between people’s lives both in the past and present
I can describe how some different characteristics of communities and societies have changed, within and across periods of time, in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can make meaningful connections and comparisons between a broad range of historical periods of time in order to develop a chronological map of the past.
I can use my knowledge and understanding to analyse and explain how different communities and societies have changed over time, in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can give comprehensive explanations and analysis of the characteristics of different periods of time, recognising the dynamics of continuity and change over periods of varying lengths in order to develop an increasingly detailed chronological map of the past.
I can use my detailed understanding of the nature and extent of change and continuity to explain and analyse how communities and societies have adapted and changed in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world. I can also use this knowledge to consider possible futures.
I am beginning to understand that my actions and those of others have causes and effects.
I have explored some causes and effects of events and changes in my community over time.
I can identify and explain the main causes and effects of events in a range of contexts, and I can recognise how these impact communities and societies.
I can explain and analyse the causes of a range of events and changes in the past and present, and can appreciate how causes can often be interconnected and differ in importance.
I can explain and analyse the effects and consequences of a range of events and changes in the past and present, and understand that they differ in importance.
I can critically evaluate how various causal factors interrelate over a range of timescales and in a range of contexts. I can subsequently appreciate how and why the significance of these factors may be contested.
I can critically evaluate the consequences and significance of events and changes in a range of societies in the past and present.
I can show an awareness of who I am and that I am similar and different to others.
I can explore my identity and compare it with those of others, recognising that society is made up of diverse groups, beliefs and viewpoints.
I can explore a range of ways in which identity is formed and some of the influences that impact upon diversity in society.
I can analyse and explain how identity is formed. I can explain the connections between diverse societies.
I can evaluate the multifaceted nature of identity and explain how it influences people’s interaction and impact within and across diverse societies in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I am beginning to develop my awareness of similarities and differences between people.
I have explored and am aware of diversity in communities.
I can describe and explain the ways in which my life is similar and different to others, and I understand that not everyone shares the same experiences, beliefs and viewpoints.
I can analyse and explain the diverse stories, beliefs and experiences of people in societies in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can critically analyse a range of complex similarities, differences and inequalities between diverse societies in the past and present.
I can evaluate the multifaceted nature of society and how diversity is valued.
I have an understanding of how factors in the past and present have shaped my communities.
I can explain and compare how communities have been shaped by the past and I can explain how a range of factors contribute to this.
I can evaluate and compare how communities have been shaped by the past, and I can analyse and explain how a range of factors contribute to this.
I am beginning to understand how my community is governed and why there are rules.
I can understand and describe how my community is governed and how people are represented.
I can describe the different ways that countries and societies, including Wales, have been governed in the past and present.
I have an understanding of a range of governance systems and how people have been represented at local, national and global levels, including how systems of government in Wales operate both now and in the past, and I can compare and explain differences between these systems.
I can compare and evaluate local, national and global governance systems, including the systems of government and democracy in Wales, considering their impact on societies in the past and present, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Wales.
I can describe some of the relationships, links and connections between a range of societies.
I can analyse the importance of the relationships, links and connections between a wide range of societies, and I can draw meaningful comparisons and contrasts between them.
I can evaluate the significance of the relationships and connections between a wide range of societies, along with their interdependencies.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I am beginning to understand that we need to respect others.
I have an awareness of what is right and wrong and that my actions should reflect that.
I can understand that not everyone is treated fairly.
I am beginning to understand what human rights are and why they are important.
I can understand that we need to respect the rights of others.
I have an understanding that injustice and inequality exist in societies. I also have an understanding of what human rights are and why they are important to me and other people.
I can explain who is responsible for upholding rights in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world. I also have an understanding that some people are denied their rights.
I can recognise that there is a difference between wants, needs and rights.
I can explain and analyse why injustice and inequality exist and can do so in a range of contexts.
I can explain the importance of the roles played by individuals, societies, social movements and governments in defending people’s human rights.
I can explain the difference between wants, needs and rights, and why some people are denied their rights.
I can evaluate the underlying causes of injustice and inequality in a wide range of contexts in the past and present, and how they impact on human rights issues.
I can evaluate the causes of human rights violations and the various factors that undermine or support people’s rights.
I can explain and evaluate the difference between wants, needs and rights.
I can evaluate the importance of the roles played by individuals, societies, social movements and governments in respecting and defending people’s human rights.
I am beginning to appreciate and care for living things and my own environment.
I can take care of resources and not waste them, and I am conscious of the importance of creating a sustainable future.
I can understand that there are a range of factors that influence people’s behaviour, actions and decisions.
I can understand the consequences of my actions and the actions of others, and how these affect local, national and global issues.
I can explain the connections between past, present and anticipated challenges and opportunities faced by people in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I have an understanding of my own and others’ environmental, economic and social responsibilities in creating a sustainable future.
I have built a detailed understanding of what it is to be an ethical, informed citizen and can critically evaluate my role as one, recognising my responsibilities and those of others towards society, the environment and creating a sustainable future.
I am beginning to understand that my actions and those of others have consequences.
I can recognise the importance of the different rules, roles and responsibilities within the various communities to which I belong.
I can understand that there are a range of factors that influence my and other people’s behaviours, actions and decisions, and that these include ethical and moral judgements and viewpoints.
I can understand the consequences of my actions and the actions of others, and how these affect my locality and Wales, as well as the wider world.
I can participate in decision-making, and I can share opinions and evidence with decision-makers and elected representatives in my community.
I can analyse and explain that there are a range of factors that influence my and other people’s behaviours, actions and decisions, and that these include ethical and moral judgements and viewpoints.
I can make decisions, identify opportunities and plan appropriate action to make my voice heard.
I can discuss and challenge viewpoints of decision-makers and elected representatives in my community and at a national level.
I can analyse and explain the impact of decisions made by individuals, local, national or global governance, and non-governmental organisations on people, their rights and the environment.
I can evaluate how people’s different beliefs, perspectives and experiences impact upon moral and ethical action in response to past, present and anticipated challenges and opportunities.
I can critically examine my attitudes, assumptions and behaviours, along with the actions of others. I can also critically examine how these affect my locality and Wales, as well as the wider world.
I can explain the importance of the role played by groups, governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations in the creation of a sustainable future, and how they impact on people and their rights and on the environment.
I can contribute actively and constructively to my community.
I can recognise that my actions and those of others impact upon communities and the environment.
I have planned and taken an active role in response to challenges and opportunities in my local community, or in Wales or the wider world, and I have done so individually or as part of a team.
I have identified, planned, reflected upon and evaluated the effects of action I have taken in my local community, or in Wales or the wider world, either individually or collaboratively.
I have identified, planned, reflected upon and evaluated the impact of action I have taken in my local community or in Wales or the wider world, either individually or collaboratively. Within that context, I critically examine my attitudes, assumptions and behaviours.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I can, through play, explore, discover and begin to ask simple questions and offer possible answers based on previous experiences.
I have experienced a range of stimuli that have enthused and inspired me to imagine and be curious about my locality and Wales, as well as the wider world.
I have been curious and made suggestions for possible enquiries and have asked and responded to a range of questions during an enquiry.
I have experienced a range of stimuli, and had opportunities to participate in enquiries, both collaboratively and with growing independence.
I can use my experiences, knowledge and beliefs to generate ideas and frame enquiries.
I have actively engaged with a range of stimuli, and had opportunities to participate in enquiries, both collaboratively and independently.
I can use my experiences, knowledge and beliefs to generate ideas independently and frame enquiries, using a range of research approaches when required.
I can independently undertake a range of full and thorough enquiries, selecting the most effective approach and justifying my methodologies.
I am beginning to communicate my observations in simple ways.
I can collect and record information and data from given sources. I can then sort and group my findings using different criteria.
I can use appropriate methods to gather information related to my enquiries and I am able to interpret the information obtained in the context of the enquiry question.
I can analyse, present and reflect on my findings, describing patterns and explaining relationships across data and sources.
I can evaluate and reflect on my findings, synthesise information, analyse patterns and trends, predict possible outcomes (where appropriate), and present well-supported and justified conclusions.
I can recognise the difference between facts and beliefs.
I can understand the difference between facts, opinions and beliefs, and consider how this may affect the importance and usefulness of evidence.
I can reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches I have taken to my enquiries.
I can analyse the usefulness and consider the reliability and validity of a range of evidence relating to my enquiry.
I can reflect on the approaches I have taken to enquiries and identify areas of improvement for future enquires.
I can critically evaluate the usefulness, validity and reliability of qualitative and quantitative evidence.
I can independently evaluate the success of enquiries, suggesting improvements and refining methods for future enquiries.
I am beginning to communicate my findings in simple ways.
I can present what I have discovered in a variety of ways and draw simple conclusions.
I can present my findings in a variety of ways, drawing conclusions and making judgements based on the evidence used.
I can draw considered and reasoned conclusions to my enquiries, while understanding that other people may form different conclusions from the available evidence.
I can make coherent and reasoned responses and judgements that take into consideration different viewpoints.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I can form and express simple opinions about my likes and dislikes.
I can form and express opinions about something that is important to me, considering my own ideas, feelings and those of others.
I can recognise and explain that my opinions and the opinions of others have value.
I can recognise that opinions may change over time.
I am beginning to recognise other people’s feelings and viewpoints about familiar events or experiences.
I can form, express and discuss my own opinions on a range of issues after considering evidence and the views of others.
I can infer and compare people’s opinions, viewpoints and interpretations from sources and evidence.
I can express, discuss and justify my personal opinions and understand that interpretations can change over time, especially in the light of new evidence or when approached from a different perspective.
I can infer and evaluate opinions, viewpoints and interpretations from a range of sources and evidence in order to develop my own informed judgements.
I can appreciate a variety of perspectives on the world, recognise the limitations of my own perspective and have begun to challenge my values and opinions.
I can analyse, explain and evaluate the validity of opinions, viewpoints and interpretations, considering how they are shaped and influenced by a variety of factors, and how they can change over time. Subsequently, I can develop my own informed and justified judgements.
I can use evidence to explain how aspects of the past have been represented and interpreted in different ways.
I can begin to understand that interpretations are influenced by identity, experiences, viewpoints and beliefs.
I can explain, using a range of evidence, why people have different interpretations and that interpretations are influenced by the availability, validity and credibility of evidence, identity, experiences, viewpoints and beliefs.
I can explain how and why a range of different interpretations are formed and how they may change over time.
I can appreciate that responses to questions about life, experiences and the world are complex, and are often partial and inconclusive.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I am beginning to recognise the effects that I have on the natural world.
I can recognise why places are important to me.
I can describe how people and the natural world may impact on each other.
I can describe how places, spaces, environments and landscapes are important to different people and for different reasons.
I can describe and give simple explanations about the impact of human actions on the natural world in the past and present.
I can describe and give simple explanations about the impact that physical processes have had on people, places and landscapes in the past and present.
I can describe and give simple explanations on how and why some places, spaces, environments and landscapes are especially important to different people and for different reasons.
I can understand and explain how human actions affect the physical processes that shape places, spaces, environments and landforms over time.
I can understand and explain the range of factors that affect the interrelationships between humans and physical processes.
I can understand and explain how significant places, spaces environments and landforms in the natural world are associated with economic, historical, political, and religious and non-religious beliefs and practices.
I can explain and analyse the wide range of interrelationships and interdependencies between the human actions and physical processes that shape places, spaces, environments and landforms over time
I can evaluate the extent to which economic, social, political, cultural, religious and non-religious beliefs, practices and actions have led to changes to the natural world.
I have first-hand experience of the natural world and am beginning to recognise places which are familiar to me.
I can recognise the distinct physical features of places, environments and landscapes in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can locate and give simple explanations for the distinctive features of places, spaces and landforms in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can describe and explain the distinctive features of places, spaces and landscapes at a variety of scales, in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world, along with the processes at work in them.
I can give comprehensive explanations for the distinctive features of places, spaces and landscapes at a variety of scales in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world, along with the processes at work in them.
I can describe how and where some places and environments are similar, and others are different.
I can describe spatial patterns of places, environments and landforms in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can describe and explain why spatial patterns of places, environments and landforms may change over time in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can give comprehensive explanations for the spatial patterns of places, environments and landforms at a range of scales and predict how patterns and trends may continue or change in the future in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can recognise the distinctive features of places, environments and landforms, and how these may change.
I can give simple descriptions of how places, spaces, environments and landforms have changed over time.
I can give simple descriptions of the processes that lead to change in the natural world.
I can describe and explain how places, spaces, environments and landforms have changed over time and outline the processes that cause these changes in the natural world.
I can give comprehensive explanations and analysis of how and why places, spaces, environments and landforms have changed over time.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I am beginning to identify important events that have happened to me in the past.
I am beginning to understand that some events have happened in the past, other events are happening in the present and that more events will happen in the future.
I can sequence events and I am beginning to understand that the past can be divided into periods of time.
I can recognise similarities and differences between people’s lives, both in the past and present.
I can identify aspects of life in my community that have changed over time.
I have an understanding that the past can be divided into periods of time. I also have an understanding that these periods have distinctive features and are different from one another, as well as different from the present.
I can describe and explain similarities and differences between people’s lives both in the past and present
I can describe how some different characteristics of communities and societies have changed, within and across periods of time, in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can make meaningful connections and comparisons between a broad range of historical periods of time in order to develop a chronological map of the past.
I can use my knowledge and understanding to analyse and explain how different communities and societies have changed over time, in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can give comprehensive explanations and analysis of the characteristics of different periods of time, recognising the dynamics of continuity and change over periods of varying lengths in order to develop an increasingly detailed chronological map of the past.
I can use my detailed understanding of the nature and extent of change and continuity to explain and analyse how communities and societies have adapted and changed in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world. I can also use this knowledge to consider possible futures.
I am beginning to understand that my actions and those of others have causes and effects.
I have explored some causes and effects of events and changes in my community over time.
I can identify and explain the main causes and effects of events in a range of contexts, and I can recognise how these impact communities and societies.
I can explain and analyse the causes of a range of events and changes in the past and present, and can appreciate how causes can often be interconnected and differ in importance.
I can explain and analyse the effects and consequences of a range of events and changes in the past and present, and understand that they differ in importance.
I can critically evaluate how various causal factors interrelate over a range of timescales and in a range of contexts. I can subsequently appreciate how and why the significance of these factors may be contested.
I can critically evaluate the consequences and significance of events and changes in a range of societies in the past and present.
I can show an awareness of who I am and that I am similar and different to others.
I can explore my identity and compare it with those of others, recognising that society is made up of diverse groups, beliefs and viewpoints.
I can explore a range of ways in which identity is formed and some of the influences that impact upon diversity in society.
I can analyse and explain how identity is formed. I can explain the connections between diverse societies.
I can evaluate the multifaceted nature of identity and explain how it influences people’s interaction and impact within and across diverse societies in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I am beginning to develop my awareness of similarities and differences between people.
I have explored and am aware of diversity in communities.
I can describe and explain the ways in which my life is similar and different to others, and I understand that not everyone shares the same experiences, beliefs and viewpoints.
I can analyse and explain the diverse stories, beliefs and experiences of people in societies in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I can critically analyse a range of complex similarities, differences and inequalities between diverse societies in the past and present.
I can evaluate the multifaceted nature of society and how diversity is valued.
I have an understanding of how factors in the past and present have shaped my communities.
I can explain and compare how communities have been shaped by the past and I can explain how a range of factors contribute to this.
I can evaluate and compare how communities have been shaped by the past, and I can analyse and explain how a range of factors contribute to this.
I am beginning to understand how my community is governed and why there are rules.
I can understand and describe how my community is governed and how people are represented.
I can describe the different ways that countries and societies, including Wales, have been governed in the past and present.
I have an understanding of a range of governance systems and how people have been represented at local, national and global levels, including how systems of government in Wales operate both now and in the past, and I can compare and explain differences between these systems.
I can compare and evaluate local, national and global governance systems, including the systems of government and democracy in Wales, considering their impact on societies in the past and present, and the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Wales.
I can describe some of the relationships, links and connections between a range of societies.
I can analyse the importance of the relationships, links and connections between a wide range of societies, and I can draw meaningful comparisons and contrasts between them.
I can evaluate the significance of the relationships and connections between a wide range of societies, along with their interdependencies.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I am beginning to understand that we need to respect others.
I have an awareness of what is right and wrong and that my actions should reflect that.
I can understand that not everyone is treated fairly.
I am beginning to understand what human rights are and why they are important.
I can understand that we need to respect the rights of others.
I have an understanding that injustice and inequality exist in societies. I also have an understanding of what human rights are and why they are important to me and other people.
I can explain who is responsible for upholding rights in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world. I also have an understanding that some people are denied their rights.
I can recognise that there is a difference between wants, needs and rights.
I can explain and analyse why injustice and inequality exist and can do so in a range of contexts.
I can explain the importance of the roles played by individuals, societies, social movements and governments in defending people’s human rights.
I can explain the difference between wants, needs and rights, and why some people are denied their rights.
I can evaluate the underlying causes of injustice and inequality in a wide range of contexts in the past and present, and how they impact on human rights issues.
I can evaluate the causes of human rights violations and the various factors that undermine or support people’s rights.
I can explain and evaluate the difference between wants, needs and rights.
I can evaluate the importance of the roles played by individuals, societies, social movements and governments in respecting and defending people’s human rights.
I am beginning to appreciate and care for living things and my own environment.
I can take care of resources and not waste them, and I am conscious of the importance of creating a sustainable future.
I can understand that there are a range of factors that influence people’s behaviour, actions and decisions.
I can understand the consequences of my actions and the actions of others, and how these affect local, national and global issues.
I can explain the connections between past, present and anticipated challenges and opportunities faced by people in my locality and in Wales, as well as in the wider world.
I have an understanding of my own and others’ environmental, economic and social responsibilities in creating a sustainable future.
I have built a detailed understanding of what it is to be an ethical, informed citizen and can critically evaluate my role as one, recognising my responsibilities and those of others towards society, the environment and creating a sustainable future.
I am beginning to understand that my actions and those of others have consequences.
I can recognise the importance of the different rules, roles and responsibilities within the various communities to which I belong.
I can understand that there are a range of factors that influence my and other people’s behaviours, actions and decisions, and that these include ethical and moral judgements and viewpoints.
I can understand the consequences of my actions and the actions of others, and how these affect my locality and Wales, as well as the wider world.
I can participate in decision-making, and I can share opinions and evidence with decision-makers and elected representatives in my community.
I can analyse and explain that there are a range of factors that influence my and other people’s behaviours, actions and decisions, and that these include ethical and moral judgements and viewpoints.
I can make decisions, identify opportunities and plan appropriate action to make my voice heard.
I can discuss and challenge viewpoints of decision-makers and elected representatives in my community and at a national level.
I can analyse and explain the impact of decisions made by individuals, local, national or global governance, and non-governmental organisations on people, their rights and the environment.
I can evaluate how people’s different beliefs, perspectives and experiences impact upon moral and ethical action in response to past, present and anticipated challenges and opportunities.
I can critically examine my attitudes, assumptions and behaviours, along with the actions of others. I can also critically examine how these affect my locality and Wales, as well as the wider world.
I can explain the importance of the role played by groups, governments, businesses and non-governmental organisations in the creation of a sustainable future, and how they impact on people and their rights and on the environment.
I can contribute actively and constructively to my community.
I can recognise that my actions and those of others impact upon communities and the environment.
I have planned and taken an active role in response to challenges and opportunities in my local community, or in Wales or the wider world, and I have done so individually or as part of a team.
I have identified, planned, reflected upon and evaluated the effects of action I have taken in my local community, or in Wales or the wider world, either individually or collaboratively.
I have identified, planned, reflected upon and evaluated the impact of action I have taken in my local community or in Wales or the wider world, either individually or collaboratively. Within that context, I critically examine my attitudes, assumptions and behaviours.