
Suggested audience: learners, school staff, school digital champions, local authority Hwb administrators, regional education consortia Hwb administrators.

Office 365 is an integrated experience of cloud-based Microsoft tools which can be used on any browser-enabled device.

Office 365 is available to all school staff, local authority and regional education consortia Hwb users, governors, supply teachers and learners as part of the Hwb Additional Services.

Accessing Office 365

Hwb users have two options for accessing Office 365:

  1. Log in to Hwb.
  • Click on the Office 365 tile.
  • Select the Office 365 application you wish to use.
  1. Navigate to
  • Enter your Hwb username > Click Next.
  • Enter your Hwb password > Click Sign In.
  • Select the Office 365 application you wish to use.

Teams is Microsoft’s collaboration software available through Office 365.

With Microsoft Teams you can bring conversations, content, assignments, and apps together in one place. Build collaborative classrooms, connect in professional learning communities, and manage staff departments with colleagues. Microsoft Teams brings Office 365 for Education into a single digital hub.

You can use Microsoft Teams to live-stream lessons and for video conferencing. If you intend to use Teams with learners please read our guidance on Live-streaming safeguarding principles and practice for education practitioners.

For practical advice on using Teams please see our FAQ section to help you get started.


Reflect can help broaden learners' emotional vocabulary and deepen empathy for their peers, whilst also providing valuable feedback to practitioners for a healthy classroom community.

This check-in app uses emojis and research-backed emotional granularity to support practitioners in adding social and emotional learning into their already busy routine.

Reflect is intended to complement your whole school approach to learner well-being.

Get started with Bookings

  1. To get started sign in to Hwb, launch Office 365 and select Bookings from the app launcher. N.B. You must have a Microsoft 365 Licence applied to your account to be able to use Bookings.

  2. Choose Get it now on the Bookings page.

  3. Add your School information and you're ready to start using Bookings.

To manage your bookings on your mobile device, download Bookings from your app store.

Use Bookings

  • On the Bookings dashboard, review your school address, hours, and other information, and update as needed.

  • On the Calendar page, you and your staff can add or update appointments. You can view your calendar by day, week, or month.

  • The Staff page allows you to add and manage your staff. It's important to add their email addresses so they can receive immediate notifications of new appointments.

  • The Services page allows you to add or manage the services that viewers choose when booking an appointment (e.g. a parent-teacher conference slot). 

  • Finally, on the Bookings page, you'll find many settings like your scheduling policy, email notifications, time zone settings, and more.

Once you've saved and published your Bookings calendar, it can be embedded on your school website or shared via social media.


For a step by step support in setting up Bookings for your school please see our guide.

Microsoft Stream is the video service that can be used with Microsoft Teams.  Stream makes it easy to create and interact, whether in a team or across your organisation. It is an internal video platform to organise, store, and share videos securely. Using Stream, private channels can be set up for your groups.

Stream is available to Hwb Staff and learners. Users with a Hwb account will be able to log in, select Office 365 and click on or search for the Stream app. Users can also log in directly to Microsoft Stream

Microsoft Whiteboard is a ‘freeform, digital canvas where people, content, and ideas come together’.

Outlook is Microsoft’s email and calendar application in Office 365.


The following guide refers to the current views in Office 365 and not the Microsoft preview that is currently available in Beta release.

A mail distribution list can be used to send emails to a group of people without having to enter each recipient’s individual address in the email ‘To’ list.


  • Headteacher could email all of the staff in a school;
  • Head of year could email all year 9 pupils in a school;
  • Digital champion could email all the digital champions in a school;
  • Local authority representative could email all governors in the authority.

School digital champions and admins can create mail distribution lists in the user management portal. The administrators can:

  1. Create a mail distribution list (from a pre-defined list);
  2. Manage who owns the mail distribution list;
  3. Manage the list of users who are approved to send emails to the mail distribution list;
  4. Remove the mail distribution list.

Careful consideration should be given to who has permission to send emails to each mail distribution list, as the number of recipients could be large.

Note: The Owner or Approved Senders can be any school staff or local authority staff with Digital Champion or Administrator privileges for that school.

What mail distribution lists can be created?

School digital champions can create the following mail distribution lists:

School List TypeEmail Address
1.    School Staffe.g.
2.    School Digital Championse.g.
3.    School Governorse.g.
4.    School Teaching Staffe.g.
5.    School Teaching Assistantse.g.
6.    School Office Administratorse.g.
7.    Learner Year Groupe.g. 

If the school has a custom domain name, then this will replace and the School ID prefix will not be used.

Local authority admins can create the following mail distribution lists:

LA List TypeEmail Address
1.    All LA School Staffe.g.
2.    All LA Digital Championse.g.
3.    All LA Governorse.g.
4.    All LA Headteacherse.g.
5.    All LA Teacherse.g.
6.    All LA Office Adminse.g.
7.    All LA Teaching Assistantse.g.

Creating and managing distribution lists

Sending an email to distribution lists

OneDrive is the cloud hosted storage area in Office 365.

You can store a range of file types in your OneDrive account.

Files created with Microsoft Office programs (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote) can be opened from OneDrive and edited in the browser.

OneNote is a digital notebook where you can capture, organise and share your notes.  More information can be found in the OneNote leaflet on Hwb.

Class Notebook is a tool that allows teachers to create shared OneNote notebooks for use with learners. Each learner has access to a content library maintained by the teacher, a collaboration space for group work, and an individual area for their own work. Teachers are able to view the work areas for all of the pupils in their notebook, while learners can only see their own.

Teachers can use the full functionality of OneNote, including the ability to drag and drop files to share, embed and link to other files, upload images and audio directly from a mobile device, and provide annotated feedback on learners' work.

Microsoft provides a range of OneNote support in the Microsoft Educator Community.

Groups is a cloud collaboration feature in Outlook for communicating, coordinating group efforts and sharing information. Groups allows users to create and manage ad hoc “groups” for collaboration.

Each Group has an email address automatically generated using the format Email can be used as a conversation area for the Group. It can also be set up as a generic mailbox for a department or whole school to receive emails from those outside the Hwb Office 365 tenancy.

Members of the Group can use the shared OneDrive storage area to store and share files with others in the Group.

Each Group has a shared calendar for all Group members to see and contribute to. This can be used to schedule events, exams, meetings and milestones. In addition to this, Planner can be used to assign and manage tasks for Group members.

OneNote notebook can be used to bring together ideas and information. Group members can collaborate on the notebook with changes being displayed in real time.

Forms enables you to create surveys, quizzes and polls, which you can invite others to respond to using any web browser. Responses to your form can then be evaluated using built-in analytics or they can be exported to Excel.


Forms can be deleted however there is no way to recover a deleted form. Deleting a form also permanently deletes all responses to the form.

Planner is a simple and visual way to organise teamwork. You can create and assign tasks, which can be updated as they progress, as well as share files.

Planner has a number of uses, from managing group and project work tasks to managing a whole school development plan.

Video is an area in Office 365 where you can share and view videos. There is a private video channel for every school in Wales, where teachers can securely upload videos for learners to view. These video channels can’t be accessed by anyone outside of the school.

Sway is a digital storytelling tool for creating interactive resources which can then be shared with other Hwb users. There is support available on Sway within the Microsoft Educator Community.


Skype for Business has been replaced by Microsoft Teams.

There is no online Publisher application in Office 365. Any Publisher files stored in your OneDrive can be downloaded and opened in a desktop copy of Publisher.

Yammer is currently unavailable within the Hwb tenancy due to safeguarding concerns.

You may wish to add an avatar to your Office 365 profile to help other users to find you in the directory.

Your display name in Office 365 will be reflective of the name in the User Management Portal and will appear in the format ‘first character surname’ (e.g. J Bloggs) for staff and ‘forename surname’ (e.g. Joe Bloggs) for learners. This cannot be changed.

The following table outlines the apps and extensions available on the Hwb Office 365 tenancy.

Microsoft 3rd Party Web Applications



Applications (or ‘web-apps’) run inside your browser with a dedicated user interface and lots of user interaction. Examples include games, photo editors, and video players e.g. Flipgrid.

Sign in is currently not available for most applications.

However, applications like FlipGrid have been whitelisted across the Hwb tenant, meaning that users can log in with their Hwb username and password.

Access to 3rd Party Web Applications can be requested on a per user/school/LA basis through the Hwb Service Desk ( / 03000 25 25 25).

Microsoft Office 365 Add-Ins


Users are not able to install or manage add-ins from the Office Store on the Hwb tenant.

Microsoft Outlook Add-Ins



Microsoft Outlook Add-ins help you speed up the way you access information on the web. E.g. the Bing Maps add-in becomes available in an e-mail that contains an address, and you can use it to check the online map for that location right from your e-mail.

Add-ins are available to install on a per user basis in Outlook:

·      Users can install read write apps and mailbox permission apps on their individual mailbox

·      Users can install and manage Office store add-ins for their own use

·      Users can install and manage custom built add-ins for their own use

Microsoft Store



Users can’t sign in to the Microsoft Store with their Hwb username and password.

Installing Microsoft Outlook add-ins

Install an add-in                          

  1. Log in to Hwb and navigate to the Outlook application in Office 365.
  2. Click the Settings ‘cog’ (in the top right hand corner of the browser).
  3. Click Manage add-ins.
  4. Browse the add-ins in the list or search for a particular add-in by typing into the Search add-ins box.
  5. Once you have chosen an add-in, click on the blue Add button.

Remove an add-in 

  1. Log in to Hwb and navigate to the Outlook application in Office 365.
  2. Click the Settings ‘cog’ (in the top right hand corner of the browser).
  3. Click Manage add-ins.
  4. Click My add-ins (from the options down the left hand side of the window).
  5. Click the on the appropriate add-in > Click Remove.

Setting the language for Microsoft Windows and Office 365 apps on your device.

This control is delegated to the local authority or whoever manages your device, please contact your IT support at the school or local authority for assistance with this. Users managing their own Office 365 apps on their devices can follow these steps to change the language settings.

To change Office 365 language to Welsh, you need to install the Language Accessory Pack for Office from the Microsoft site.  Follow the instructions on this page to install and configure.

School timetable sync with Office365 or Google calendars, for secondary schools.

You can now synchronise your timetable from your School’s MIS (SIMS) data to your users’ (staff and learners) Hwb Outlook calendar or Hwb Google calendar.  This can be enabled by your school’s digital champion through the User Management Portal. 

Once enable this will apply to all MIS staff and learners in your school. Timetable events from your MIS (SIMS) data will be synced for a rolling period of 6 weeks for staff and 3 weeks for learners. These events will be updated every time the provisioning service runs for your school.

Digital champions in secondary schools can enable this for your school, they will need to follow these steps to enable.

  1. Login to Hwb and click on the link to the User Management Portal.
  2. Login to the User Management Portal and select Timetable Sync in the Administration dropdown
  3. Select to sync timetable events to Hwb Outlook Calendar or Hwb Google Calendar
  4. Select Welsh or English for the preferred language of event details for your school.
  5. Click ‘Enable Sync’

Once set, the timetable will sync events in to your staff and learners’ personal Hwb calendars the next time the provisioning client runs for your school.

Please note once configured, please contact if you need to change any of these settings.

For further support please contact the Hwb Service Desk: | 03000 25 25 25.