
Enquiry is at the core of the Welsh Government’s vision for professional learning.

The National Professional Enquiry Project launched in 2018 to support practitioners to develop their enquiry and pedagogic skills to improve teaching and learning.

The project is supported by higher education institution (HEI) partners across Wales, together with regional consortia and partnerships and local authorities.

NPEP is supporting a growing network of schools to develop a range of enquiry skills by leading enquiries in their own setting focused on school improvement in the context of the Curriculum for Wales and ALN reform.

Since 2018, circa 30% of schools have engaged in NPEP, generating over 900 innovative enquiries, ranging from ‘bee keeping’ to ‘the end of the school bell.’

NPEP school enquiries are exploring the following themes:

  • Curriculum for Wales
  • pedagogy and learning
  • assessment
  • equity
  • leadership

Enquiry findings

Explore further via the professional learning resources area.

If you would like to get involved, contact your regional consortia or partnership.