Pokemon Go
A guide for families with key information about ‘Pokemon Go’, including the age rating, key terminology, risks and instructions for enabling parental controls and safety settings.
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Pokémon Go is a free app in which the player uses GPS location settings to catch, collect, train and fight Pokémon characters. Using GPS, the app encourages players to travel around the real world to seek out the different Pokémon characters. With approximately 8 million daily users, players can hunt and battle Pokémon everywhere and use the camera on their device to make the experience more realistic, using augmented reality.
Players can also play with friends by sending friend requests, trading Pokémon, sending gifts, joining raids, taking snapshots and battling against each other. There are features on the map that include ‘Poké stops’ and ‘Poké gyms’ where players can battle their Pokémon. When used safely, this game is all about fun and exploration.
Official age rating
This is a PEGI rated 7 game.
The PEGI 7 rating reflects the mild cartoon-like violence between Pokémon characters within the game. It is not a game with realistic violence or adult themed content. In the Apple App Store and Google Play store, the game is rated as 9+. There are no age verification methods used when creating an account, so ensure your child has entered their correct date of birth to benefit from some of the safety settings.
Find out more about age ratings in our ‘parent and carer’s guide to age ratings of apps and games’.
How children and young people use the app
Pokémon Go is a fun, engaging and easy to play game based on catching Pokémon (various creatures that come in multiple shapes and sizes with different powers and franchise-based histories) which players can collect, evolve and battle with against other players. This game is different to many other free games available for younger people.
It is popular among children due to its augmented reality, where players can progress through the game by actually moving and visiting different locations, rather than sitting still in front of their device, as with most other games. Essentially based on the premise of bug catching, players feel attached to the Pokémon they have caught and are especially proud when catching one of high power, value or rarity. Players can play with their friends, family or on their own by visiting ‘Poké gyms’, ‘Poké stops’ and can show off their growing collection of Pokémon.
Key features and terminology
Potential risks
Pokémon Go contains some mild violence as players battle Pokémon against each other. As the game is animated and based around virtual reality, the majority is not realistic and therefore not particularly violent or graphic. There is no in-game chat function within Pokémon Go so users are unlikely to be exposed to bad language or mature content within the game.
It is important to note that as the game requires players to visit real-world locations, it is possible they could be exposed to other players who use such language in a real-life context. Parents and carers should note that a parent email address is required to set up an account for players under 13. This allows parents to manage the settings for location and sponsored content, as well as friends and augmented reality experiences.
Connecting with others
The main risk within Pokémon Go is the potential to meet with strangers in the real world. As the game requires players to use real life GPS locations to collect and battle Pokémon, there is a risk of younger players meeting with older users at predetermined locations such as Poke Stops or whilst traveling along ‘Routes’. Speak to your child about the risks of meeting with strangers and explain the importance of not going to a different location with someone they don’t know. It is recommended that children and young people should not visit designated locations without adult supervision to reduce this risk of stranger contact.
Pokémon Go does allow its players to interact with each other through battles and trading. As the players that you interact with on Pokémon Go are determined by who you are friends with either in person or on other apps, it is recommended that you are aware of who your child is friends with or interacts with on all of the apps they use. A major component of Pokémon Go is the ‘Raid battle’ feature. As these can be difficult to organise, many Pokémon Go players use websites to take part in raids across the world. While stranger interaction is limited in-game, it is important to monitor how your child may use these other sites and the friends they might add.
There is also a popular Discord server where many players congregate, and your child may be exposed to inappropriate language and direct messages from strangers through this server. It is recommended that younger players only share their trainer code with known friends in the offline world. Encourage your child to speak to you if they have shared their trainer code with someone they don’t know, or if a stranger has tried sharing their code with your child. Players under 13 are required to have an adult verify their account. As part of this process, parents and carers are able to set up a child’s account which allows them to review the information shared on this account, as well as monitor the new friends made and interacted with during gameplay.
Pokémon Go’s ‘Party play’ allows players to join a ‘party’ where their location can be seen by other members of the group. To access a party, users must share a QR code or give out a numerical code for other members to join this. Child account holders are unable to share their location without the parent account granting permission via the parent portal, but all other account holders can. If enabled, this presents a risk as party members can see each other’s real-time locations. It is recommended that younger users do not have this feature enabled. However, if this feature is used, it is recommended the ‘Share location with party’ option is disabled. Instructions for disabling this option can be found in the ‘Managing privacy’ section of this guide.
User behaviour
Niantic, the creators of Pokémon Go, have a set of player guidelines which all players must adhere to. Players who deviate from the expected behaviour risk being removed from the game. Speak to your child about what is appropriate behaviour both on and offline for this game and ensure they know how to report inappropriate or offensive behaviour.
Design, data and costs
As with most free online games, there are opportunities for players to make in-game purchases within the ‘Shop’ tab in the game. These do not benefit the gameplay, but they can nonetheless be extremely appealing for children. Speak to your child about in-app purchases and ensure they understand that real money is used to make purchases within the game. You can also set up relevant in-app purchase settings on your device. It is also important to check that the game is not linked to your bank cards or financial details.
Pokémon Go also runs an online webstore that allows players to make purchases for in-game products using a home device. Like the in-game shop, these purchases do not benefit the gameplay but offer in-game currency for apparel. It is important that you help your child understand that, though these items might be appealing, they are not necessary for the game and real-world money is used to buy them. If you are using a shared family computer, it is important to check information about your bank cards or financial details are not stored on your computer.
It is worth noting that the Pokemon Go privacy policy states that it can view a user’s phone settings and general information about what other apps are being used on this device. Be aware of what other data your child has stored within other apps on their device that could be shared this way. Niantic, the creators of the game, have developed an overview of their privacy policy which is suitable for children to read.
Niantic collects player data from Pokémon Go to train a ‘Large Geospatial Model’ (LGM). This is an AI that specialises in understanding geography and physical space. The data is collected from optional in-game challenges where players must scan a Poké Stop or a Poké Gym in the real-world by using their device camera. Currently, there are no options available for players to disable this data collection process. You should explain to your child that Niantic collects data to train their AI model if they complete a daily mission that requires them to scan a location, and let your child know that they can skip these missions by pressing the ‘rubbish bin’ in the top-right corner of the mission.
When users first create an account, all notifications are enabled. To help manage your child’s time playing the game, it is recommended that notification settings are managed. This can be done within the game by following the instructions below.
Tips for keeping your child safe
Additional tips
There is a designated ‘Parent portal’ for Niantic games, where parents can register an account to help manage their child’s privacy for all Niantic games.
There is a Pokémon Go help centre with frequently asked questions and support.
Pokémon Go is part of the huge Pokémon franchise, established in the 1990s, that attracts new young players as well as older players who have been playing for many years.
Niantic games have also released ‘Campfire’ which is a separate social app, available on both iOS and Android devices, that users can link with their Pokemon Go accounts. This app allows users to make new friends, directly message people, and join communities relevant to their interests. We recommend younger users do not use this app.