Guidance to help schools and settings develop their own curriculum, enabling learners to develop towards the four purposes.
4. Descriptions of learning
Descriptions of learning provide guidance on how learners should progress within each statement of what matters as they journey through the continuum of learning. Learn more about descriptions of learning.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I have the confidence and motivation to move in different ways and I am beginning to develop control of gross motor movements and fine motor movements in different environments, moving safely in response to instructions.
I can use and improve basic movement skills in familiar and unfamiliar situations. I can respond to prompts in imaginative and creative ways. I have the confidence and motivation to persevere when faced with physical challenges.
I can develop and apply a range of skills in familiar, unfamiliar and changing situations, exploring space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. I can motivate myself to engage confidently in regular physical activity and sport, and am aware of my own progress.
I can transfer a range of movement skills from familiar to unfamiliar and changing situations and environments, using space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. I can engage in regular physical activity and sport with confidence, motivation and commitment.
I can independently adapt and apply movement skills across a range of activities and environments, managing space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. I can value the benefits of participation in regular physical activity and sport, seeking opportunities to develop my expertise.
I am beginning to make connections between my diet and my physical health and well-being.
I have developed an understanding that I need a balanced diet and I can make informed choices about the food I eat and prepare to support my physical health and well-being.
I can explain the importance of a balanced diet and nutrition and the impact my choices have on my physical health and well-being. I can plan and prepare basic, nutritious meals.
I can apply my knowledge and understanding of a balanced diet and nutrition to make choices which will allow me to maintain my physical health and well-being. I can plan and prepare a variety of nutritious meals.
I can adjust my diet in response to different contexts and apply my knowledge and understanding of a balanced diet and nutrition to support others. I can apply a range of techniques to prepare a variety of nutritious meals.
I am beginning to recognise the connection between the physical and emotional changes that can occur in different contexts.
I can describe the way in which physical and emotional changes are connected in different contexts.
I can explain the way in which physical and emotional changes are connected in different contexts, and I can monitor, review and adapt my behaviour to support my physical and emotional health, setting myself relevant targets.
I can analyse the connection between physical and emotional changes. I can modify my behaviour to support my physical and emotional health, and can work collaboratively to plan and refine strengths and areas for improvements.
I can evaluate the connection between physical and emotional changes, independently selecting from a range of strategies to improve my physical and emotional health and that of others.
I am beginning to recognise some of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being and I am beginning to know how to respond and get help.
I can recognise some of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being, and I know how to respond and get help in a safe way.
I can describe the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being, and I know how to respond to and/or manage these in order to actively reduce the risk of harm to myself.
I can explain the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being and, through my actions, I can respond to and/or manage these in order to actively reduce the risk of harm to myself and to others.
I can apply my knowledge of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being, to keep myself and others safe. I can safely intervene, using learnt techniques, when others’ physical health is at risk.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I have an awareness of my perceptions and thoughts.
I can focus my attention and am aware of being able to do this.
I am beginning to have an awareness that thoughts and feelings change, and I am starting to notice when change happens.
I can, with support, focus attention on my perceptions and thoughts.
I can understand how and why my thoughts, feelings and actions change in response to different experiences.
I can recognise the benefits of being able to focus attention on my perceptions and thoughts and know that I am developing my self-awareness.
I can self-regulate my emotions in a healthy way using strategies that I have developed.
I can independently focus attention on my perceptions, thoughts and feelings in order to further develop my self-awareness.
I can identify different strategies to self-regulate my emotions in response to a range of experiences.
I can use my self-awareness to appreciate the complexity of my emotions and apply strategies to self-regulate them in a healthy way and to connect with others.
I can notice and communicate how I am feeling.
I am beginning to have an awareness of how feelings are communicated through actions.
I can notice and communicate my feelings.
I am beginning to notice when I need help to manage my feelings.
I can see the benefits of communicating about feelings as one of a range of strategies which can help promote positive mental health and emotional well-being.
I can ask for help when I need it from people I trust.
I can advocate the benefits of communicating about feelings as one of a range of strategies which can help promote positive mental health and emotional well-being.
I can identify people and groups who can help me with my mental health and emotional well-being.
I can contribute towards a culture where talking about mental health and emotional well-being is encouraged and normalised.
I can identify when to seek help based on a good understanding of my mental health and emotional well-being.
I can reflect on my experiences.
I can reflect on the way that past events and experiences have affected my thoughts, feelings and actions.
I can anticipate how future events may make me and others feel.
I can reflect and learn from the past in order to anticipate and prepare myself and others for future experiences.
I can respond to current experiences, as well as reflect, and learn from the past, in order to anticipate and prepare myself and others for future experiences.
I have an awareness of the feelings of others.
I am aware of when others are kind to me and when I am kind to others.
I can pay attention to the feelings of others and I am learning to think about why they may feel that way.
I can empathise with others.
I can understand how and why experiences affect me and others.
I can empathise with others and understand the value of demonstrating this through actions which are compassionate and kind.
I can empathise with others which helps me to be compassionate and kind towards myself and others.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I can make decisions based on what I like and dislike.
I can make decisions based on what I know.
I can make considered decisions, taking into account available information, including past experiences.
I can set appropriate goals.
I can research, examine and evaluate a range of evidence to make considered and informed decisions.
I can set appropriate goals and plan a course of action to achieve them.
I can set appropriate goals, plan a course of action and overcome challenges to achieve them.I have developed an awareness that my decisions can affect me and others.
I can take part in group decisions.
I can recognise that my decisions can impact on me and others, both now and in the future.
I can take part in group decisions and I understand why some decisions need to be made as a group.
I can recognise that some decisions I make will have a long-term impact on my life and the lives of others.
I can understand that decisions can be made individually and collectively, and that they can be influenced by a range of factors.
I can consider relevant factors and implications when making decisions individually and collectively.
I can critically evaluate factors and implications, including risks, when making decisions individually and collectively.
I have an understanding that things can be safe or unsafe.
I can identify and assess risks.
I can identify and assess risks, and I can take steps to reduce them.
I can anticipate, assess and manage risks.
I can critically evaluate factors and implications, including risks, when making decisions individually and collectively.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 I can recognise and follow rules and norms in the groups and situations in which I take part.
I can show care and respect for others.
I can recognise and follow the rules and norms of different groups and situations in which I take part.
I can change how I interact and behave in different situations with support.
I can recognise that there are similarities and differences between people’s values and attitudes.
I have an understanding of the rules, norms and behaviours of different groups and situations, and I recognise that these have an influence on me.
I can interact pro-socially in different groups and situations.
I have developed an understanding that my values, attitudes and identity are shaped by different groups and influences.
I have a developing awareness of how rules, norms and behaviours become established within groups and at times go unchallenged.
I can interact pro-socially in different groups and situations, adapting my behaviours accordingly.
I can evaluate how my values, attitudes and identity are shaped by the groups and social influences with which I interact.
I have an understanding of the complexities of groups and situations, the interactions that take place within and between them, and their effect on those exposed to them.
I can interact pro-socially in different groups and situations, and actively advocate for other individuals and groups.
I can recognise and understand how people’s values, attitudes and identity are shaped by different groups and influences.
I can promote positive attitudes and values, and, where appropriate, I can challenge harmful ones.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I can identify who looks after me and who my family and friends are.
I can recognise that there are different types of relationships beyond my family and friends.
I can understand that there are differences within types of relationships and that relationships change over time.
I can show a developing awareness of the complex nature of relationships.
I can show an understanding of the complex nature of relationships in a range of contexts and an understanding of how they are influenced by a range of factors.
I can communicate my needs and feelings in my relationships.
I can communicate my needs and feelings in my relationships, and notice the needs and feelings of others.
I can communicate my needs and feelings, and respond to those of others.
I can communicate my needs and feelings, and respect those of others.
I can make meaningful connections with others, valuing safe, healthy and equitable relationships in a range of contexts.
I can get along with others with and without support.
I can make friends and try to resolve disagreements, seeking support when needed.
I can make and maintain relationships that matter to me, identifying conflict and taking steps to resolve it.
I can form and maintain healthy relationships with a wider circle of people.
I can respect other people’s points of view and use this to help resolve conflict.
I can make meaningful connections with others, valuing safe, healthy and equitable relationships in a range of contexts.
I can take steps to avoid conflict and to remove myself from unsafe relationships. I can draw on support systems for myself and others when needed.
I am beginning to recognise safe and unsafe behaviour in relationships.
I can recognise when I feel safe in my relationships and I can communicate when I do not feel safe.
I can reflect on the characteristics of safe relationships and I can seek support when needed.
I can consider the role of safety in relationships and I can identify where my safety or the safety of others is threatened and I know how to respond to this.
I can take steps to avoid conflict and to remove myself from unsafe relationships. I can draw on support systems for myself and others when needed.
I am beginning to recognise that I have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully.
I can understand that everyone has rights and, with support, I can respect those rights.
I can respect the rights of others and I understand how these impact on myself and others.
I can exercise my own rights and respect those of others, and I can recognise that rights can be infringed.
I can advocate the rights of myself and others.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I have the confidence and motivation to move in different ways and I am beginning to develop control of gross motor movements and fine motor movements in different environments, moving safely in response to instructions.
I can use and improve basic movement skills in familiar and unfamiliar situations. I can respond to prompts in imaginative and creative ways. I have the confidence and motivation to persevere when faced with physical challenges.
I can develop and apply a range of skills in familiar, unfamiliar and changing situations, exploring space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. I can motivate myself to engage confidently in regular physical activity and sport, and am aware of my own progress.
I can transfer a range of movement skills from familiar to unfamiliar and changing situations and environments, using space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. I can engage in regular physical activity and sport with confidence, motivation and commitment.
I can independently adapt and apply movement skills across a range of activities and environments, managing space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. I can value the benefits of participation in regular physical activity and sport, seeking opportunities to develop my expertise.
I am beginning to make connections between my diet and my physical health and well-being.
I have developed an understanding that I need a balanced diet and I can make informed choices about the food I eat and prepare to support my physical health and well-being.
I can explain the importance of a balanced diet and nutrition and the impact my choices have on my physical health and well-being. I can plan and prepare basic, nutritious meals.
I can apply my knowledge and understanding of a balanced diet and nutrition to make choices which will allow me to maintain my physical health and well-being. I can plan and prepare a variety of nutritious meals.
I can adjust my diet in response to different contexts and apply my knowledge and understanding of a balanced diet and nutrition to support others. I can apply a range of techniques to prepare a variety of nutritious meals.
I am beginning to recognise the connection between the physical and emotional changes that can occur in different contexts.
I can describe the way in which physical and emotional changes are connected in different contexts.
I can explain the way in which physical and emotional changes are connected in different contexts, and I can monitor, review and adapt my behaviour to support my physical and emotional health, setting myself relevant targets.
I can analyse the connection between physical and emotional changes. I can modify my behaviour to support my physical and emotional health, and can work collaboratively to plan and refine strengths and areas for improvements.
I can evaluate the connection between physical and emotional changes, independently selecting from a range of strategies to improve my physical and emotional health and that of others.
I am beginning to recognise some of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being and I am beginning to know how to respond and get help.
I can recognise some of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being, and I know how to respond and get help in a safe way.
I can describe the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being, and I know how to respond to and/or manage these in order to actively reduce the risk of harm to myself.
I can explain the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being and, through my actions, I can respond to and/or manage these in order to actively reduce the risk of harm to myself and to others.
I can apply my knowledge of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and well-being, to keep myself and others safe. I can safely intervene, using learnt techniques, when others’ physical health is at risk.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I have an awareness of my perceptions and thoughts.
I can focus my attention and am aware of being able to do this.
I am beginning to have an awareness that thoughts and feelings change, and I am starting to notice when change happens.
I can, with support, focus attention on my perceptions and thoughts.
I can understand how and why my thoughts, feelings and actions change in response to different experiences.
I can recognise the benefits of being able to focus attention on my perceptions and thoughts and know that I am developing my self-awareness.
I can self-regulate my emotions in a healthy way using strategies that I have developed.
I can independently focus attention on my perceptions, thoughts and feelings in order to further develop my self-awareness.
I can identify different strategies to self-regulate my emotions in response to a range of experiences.
I can use my self-awareness to appreciate the complexity of my emotions and apply strategies to self-regulate them in a healthy way and to connect with others.
I can notice and communicate how I am feeling.
I am beginning to have an awareness of how feelings are communicated through actions.
I can notice and communicate my feelings.
I am beginning to notice when I need help to manage my feelings.
I can see the benefits of communicating about feelings as one of a range of strategies which can help promote positive mental health and emotional well-being.
I can ask for help when I need it from people I trust.
I can advocate the benefits of communicating about feelings as one of a range of strategies which can help promote positive mental health and emotional well-being.
I can identify people and groups who can help me with my mental health and emotional well-being.
I can contribute towards a culture where talking about mental health and emotional well-being is encouraged and normalised.
I can identify when to seek help based on a good understanding of my mental health and emotional well-being.
I can reflect on my experiences.
I can reflect on the way that past events and experiences have affected my thoughts, feelings and actions.
I can anticipate how future events may make me and others feel.
I can reflect and learn from the past in order to anticipate and prepare myself and others for future experiences.
I can respond to current experiences, as well as reflect, and learn from the past, in order to anticipate and prepare myself and others for future experiences.
I have an awareness of the feelings of others.
I am aware of when others are kind to me and when I am kind to others.
I can pay attention to the feelings of others and I am learning to think about why they may feel that way.
I can empathise with others.
I can understand how and why experiences affect me and others.
I can empathise with others and understand the value of demonstrating this through actions which are compassionate and kind.
I can empathise with others which helps me to be compassionate and kind towards myself and others.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I can make decisions based on what I like and dislike.
I can make decisions based on what I know.
I can make considered decisions, taking into account available information, including past experiences.
I can set appropriate goals.
I can research, examine and evaluate a range of evidence to make considered and informed decisions.
I can set appropriate goals and plan a course of action to achieve them.
I can set appropriate goals, plan a course of action and overcome challenges to achieve them.I have developed an awareness that my decisions can affect me and others.
I can take part in group decisions.
I can recognise that my decisions can impact on me and others, both now and in the future.
I can take part in group decisions and I understand why some decisions need to be made as a group.
I can recognise that some decisions I make will have a long-term impact on my life and the lives of others.
I can understand that decisions can be made individually and collectively, and that they can be influenced by a range of factors.
I can consider relevant factors and implications when making decisions individually and collectively.
I can critically evaluate factors and implications, including risks, when making decisions individually and collectively.
I have an understanding that things can be safe or unsafe.
I can identify and assess risks.
I can identify and assess risks, and I can take steps to reduce them.
I can anticipate, assess and manage risks.
I can critically evaluate factors and implications, including risks, when making decisions individually and collectively.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 I can recognise and follow rules and norms in the groups and situations in which I take part.
I can show care and respect for others.
I can recognise and follow the rules and norms of different groups and situations in which I take part.
I can change how I interact and behave in different situations with support.
I can recognise that there are similarities and differences between people’s values and attitudes.
I have an understanding of the rules, norms and behaviours of different groups and situations, and I recognise that these have an influence on me.
I can interact pro-socially in different groups and situations.
I have developed an understanding that my values, attitudes and identity are shaped by different groups and influences.
I have a developing awareness of how rules, norms and behaviours become established within groups and at times go unchallenged.
I can interact pro-socially in different groups and situations, adapting my behaviours accordingly.
I can evaluate how my values, attitudes and identity are shaped by the groups and social influences with which I interact.
I have an understanding of the complexities of groups and situations, the interactions that take place within and between them, and their effect on those exposed to them.
I can interact pro-socially in different groups and situations, and actively advocate for other individuals and groups.
I can recognise and understand how people’s values, attitudes and identity are shaped by different groups and influences.
I can promote positive attitudes and values, and, where appropriate, I can challenge harmful ones.
Progression step 1 Progression step 2 Progression step 3 Progression step 4 Progression step 5 Table within Progression step 1 through 5, Column 1 refers to progression step 1 and carries on respectively. I can identify who looks after me and who my family and friends are.
I can recognise that there are different types of relationships beyond my family and friends.
I can understand that there are differences within types of relationships and that relationships change over time.
I can show a developing awareness of the complex nature of relationships.
I can show an understanding of the complex nature of relationships in a range of contexts and an understanding of how they are influenced by a range of factors.
I can communicate my needs and feelings in my relationships.
I can communicate my needs and feelings in my relationships, and notice the needs and feelings of others.
I can communicate my needs and feelings, and respond to those of others.
I can communicate my needs and feelings, and respect those of others.
I can make meaningful connections with others, valuing safe, healthy and equitable relationships in a range of contexts.
I can get along with others with and without support.
I can make friends and try to resolve disagreements, seeking support when needed.
I can make and maintain relationships that matter to me, identifying conflict and taking steps to resolve it.
I can form and maintain healthy relationships with a wider circle of people.
I can respect other people’s points of view and use this to help resolve conflict.
I can make meaningful connections with others, valuing safe, healthy and equitable relationships in a range of contexts.
I can take steps to avoid conflict and to remove myself from unsafe relationships. I can draw on support systems for myself and others when needed.
I am beginning to recognise safe and unsafe behaviour in relationships.
I can recognise when I feel safe in my relationships and I can communicate when I do not feel safe.
I can reflect on the characteristics of safe relationships and I can seek support when needed.
I can consider the role of safety in relationships and I can identify where my safety or the safety of others is threatened and I know how to respond to this.
I can take steps to avoid conflict and to remove myself from unsafe relationships. I can draw on support systems for myself and others when needed.
I am beginning to recognise that I have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully.
I can understand that everyone has rights and, with support, I can respect those rights.
I can respect the rights of others and I understand how these impact on myself and others.
I can exercise my own rights and respect those of others, and I can recognise that rights can be infringed.
I can advocate the rights of myself and others.