
The Curriculum for Wales marks a significant shift in the role of assessment within education nationally, and for schools and settings. We are clear that the purpose of assessment is to support each individual learner to progress at an appropriate pace, ensuring they are supported and challenged accordingly. To do so, the Curriculum for Wales, as defined in the Supporting Learner Progression: Assessment Guidance section of this guidance sets out that we assess for three key reasons to:

  • support individual learners on an ongoing, day-to-day basis
  • identify, capture and reflect on individual learner progress over time
  • understand group progress in order to reflect on practice

To enable this approach to assessment, aspects of the 2008 curriculum arrangements that do not support the ethos of Curriculum for Wales have been removed and new requirements introduced to ensure that supporting learners to make progress is at the heart of assessment.

Below is an outline of the main changes to assessment under Curriculum for Wales, an explanation of why these changes have been made and what this means for schools and settings.