Curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings
This curriculum has been developed for funded non-maintained nursery settings to adopt, should they wish to do so.
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This curriculum has been developed for funded non-maintained nursery settings to adopt, should they wish to do so. It is, primarily, for use by the following:
- leaders, practitioners and management committees of non-maintained nursery settings that are funded to deliver early education in Wales
- early years advisory teachers, or those in equivalent roles in local authorities and regional consortia, who support settings in the planning and delivery of early education
- other organisations who provide professional support to non-maintained settings
- leaders, practitioners and management committees of non-maintained nursery settings which are not funded to deliver early education but which are required, under the National Minimum Standards for Regulated Childcare, to deliver practice in line with the statutory curriculum requirements
In fulfilling the Welsh Government’s statutory duty, this curriculum meets the following requirements:
- it enables learners to develop in the way described in the four purposes of the curriculum
- it is broad and balanced
- it is suitable for learners of differing ages, abilities and aptitudes
- it provides appropriate progression for all learners
This curriculum also:
- covers the six areas of learning and experience
- encompasses the 27 statements of what matters
- reflects the principles of progression
- encompasses the mandatory curriculum elements, including the mandatory cross-curricular skills
Settings which choose to adopt this curriculum should use it in its entirety to support effective planning to ensure the provision of a developmentally appropriate curriculum for our youngest learners.
To support practitioners in schools and settings with implementing curriculum and assessment arrangements we have developed 2 sets of professional learning modules.
Professional learning: foundation learning support for practitioners in schools and settings
The professional learning: foundation learning support for practitioners in schools and settings resource focuses on:
- outdoor learning
- child development
- transitions
- observation
- play and play-based learning
- authentic and purposeful learning
Professional learning: a curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings
The professional learning: A curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings resource focuses on:
- understanding Curriculum for Wales and the development of a curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings
- understanding the five developmental pathways and pedagogy
- schematic development: noticing and supporting the repeated patterns of behaviour in children’s play
- leadership in non-maintained nursery settings
- A curriculum for funded non-maintained nursery settings pdf 6.02 Mb This file may not be accessible. If you need a more accessible version of this document please email Please tell us the format you need. If you use assistive technology please tell us what this is
Further information, in the form of frequently asked questions, on foundation learning in schools and funded non-maintained nursery settings is available.
- Foundation learning in schools and funded non-maintained nursery settings pdf 158 Kb This file may not be accessible. If you need a more accessible version of this document please email Please tell us the format you need. If you use assistive technology please tell us what this is
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