
2. Professional learning offer

A commitment of equity of access across all practitioners and in all regions.

Over the last five years, the professional learning offer made available by regional consortia has grown and become more aligned, especially in relation to leadership. Other middle tier organisations such as the Education Workforce Council (EWC), Estyn and WJEC also make professional learning opportunities available.

In Wales, we currently allocate five days to INSET but schools routinely release teachers and leaders for professional learning in addition to this. Welsh Government is reconsidering the underpinning logic and rationale for the allocation of time to professional learning.

When the draft curriculum is made available in April 2019, it will take time to further develop our understanding of the professional learning challenges associated with implementation in schools.

Reflect on a ‘Talking Head’ video from a lead school improvement expert focusing on the importance of this element in the context of the wider national approach.



Consider research commissioned by Welsh Government to inform the evidence base for this element of the national approach:

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