
Many of us have embraced the rise of social media platforms and this has provided the opportunity to be more connected than ever before. More than 95 million photos are shared on Instagram every day, but given how easy it is to edit photos, sometimes we can feel under pressure to create the best impression of our lives online.  

Don’t be fooled by the filter. Stay true to yourself online.

Top tips for keeping your social media experience positive

Here are a few simple tips to help you keep your social media experience positive.

Be yourself

It can be tempting to create a misleading impression of your life online, because of your perceptions of others’ lives. However, it is more important to be accepted for your true self rather than an idealised version. Create a social media presence that is aligned with your own identity and values. 

Keep perspective

Keep in mind that you're not always seeing the full picture when viewing other people’s social media feeds and recognise that nobody’s life is perfect. Often people use filtering and editing tools to enhance their photos. Your value as a person is not reflected in the number of ‘likes’ your posts get or the number of followers. 

Take control

Think about who you follow. Do they share your interests and values? Hide or unfollow feeds, users or content that make you feel negative about yourself. Most social media apps have options to report or block unwanted content. 

Find the balance

Do you ever start scrolling without even realising it? It is easy to become absorbed by social media and this can have a negative impact on your well-being. Being mindful about your habits can help you recognise when you need to take a break so that you can use social media with purpose. 

Be positive

Think before you post, does this make me feel good about myself? Could it be easily misconstrued? Would you express the same opinion offline? Thinking of yourself and others will ensure a positive experience and help you avoid unnecessary drama. 

Download a poster of these tips below.