Online hate
Resources, guidance and information for education practitioners, learners, and families on online hate.
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What you need to know
Online hate speech is content targeting protected characteristics with the intent or likely effect of inciting, spreading or promoting hatred or discrimination. ‘Protected characteristics’ are aspects of a person’s identity that are protected from discrimination. Online hate speech involves treating someone unfairly because they possess one or more of these characteristics.
These may include race, age, sex, disability, religion, transgender identity and sexual orientation.
Social media and other online platforms can provide a platform for expressing online hate and can influence people to behave in a hateful or even violent way towards a targeted group.
While Generative AI can be used to combat online hate speech by flagging harmful content, it can also be misused to create discriminatory content or increase the visibility and reach of harmful posts.
If you, or someone you know, has been a victim of online hate, you can report it to the National Hate Crime Report and Support Centre, run by Victim Support Cymru. You can do so online or by telephone 0300 30 31 982. Victim Support Cymru has specially trained staff to provide emotional support to victims. The service is free, confidential and bilingual.
Online hate can have a devastating impact
The anonymity of the internet and the ease at which posts can be created and shared on social media means that hate speech and content promoting hatred and discrimination can become visible and spread quickly.
It is not uncommon for professional footballers to receive abuse throughout their careers. This film and supporting resources were developed in response to the online abuse aimed at female footballers witnessed across social media during the 20/21 season to raise awareness of the issue and promote respectful behaviour online.
Learning and teaching resources
Resources to support schools and the wider school community with online hate.
Information for children and young people
Online issues and worries: online hate
Information which explains some risks to be aware of and where to go for help.
Further information
- Report Harmful content
- SELMA Hacking Hate
- True Vision: Stop Hate Crime
- Hate hurts Wales: campaign material
- Victim Support: Hate Crime Centre
- A practitioner's guide to understanding online racism
- A family guide to understanding online racism
- A governor's guide to understanding online racism
- Online racism: primary
- Online racism: secondary