
The Hwb Programme aims to harness the potential of cutting-edge, bilingual digital technology to create a personalised and safe ecosystem which equips schools to prepare their learners to thrive in a global digital society.

The Welsh Government is committed to delivering a national approach which provides a wide range of bilingual tools, resources and services. Through this streamlined approach, we aim to enable schools to maximise the transformational benefits of digital and technology in education.

Hwb provides a digital platform for maintained schools in Wales to underpin the Curriculum for Wales. We can help enable and inspire learners and practitioners to confidently embed digital practices by developing:

  • digital competencies
  • digital skills
  • a digital culture

We are fundamentally challenging and changing the digital landscape in schools. This will deliver a fully sustainable approach with digital recognised as the ‘fourth utility.’ The Hwb programme is driven by a set of strategic guiding principles which puts our learners and practitioners at the heart of everything we do.

The long-term strategic aims of this programme are to enable a ‘Once for Wales’ approach. This approach will:

  • support schools to deliver our pioneering Curriculum for Wales
  • maximise the opportunities digital presents to reduce unnecessary bureaucracy to support school leaders and the burden on our workforce
  • support local authorities to transform learning environments, contributing towards developing net-zero carbon schools and enhancing school facilities for local communities

The Hwb programme is aligned with the Digital Strategy for Wales. Specifically, it contributes towards:

  • developing a clear approach for an inclusive digital skills and confidence framework, building on existing initiatives from education through to the workplace
  • continuing to deliver support which enhances digital in the delivery of learning and identifying further opportunities

The following overview outlines the overarching approach to the delivery of digital services which supports the delivery our long-term strategic aims.

The Hwb Programme develops and implements a strategic and sustainable approach to embed digital services in all maintained schools by:

  • recognising and understanding how education priorities can benefit from cross-government work programmes through a sector leadership group
  • raising awareness of the importance of digital and technology in supporting the transformation of classroom practices which underpin the Curriculum for Wales
  • collaborating with local authorities and school improvement partners to continually raise schools’ awareness and understanding of digital as the 'fourth utility'
  • developing a robust programme of digital change to meet existing and future challenges
  • embracing a proactive national approach to new opportunities arising from emerging technology across the education technology sector
  • driving collaboration across the Welsh Government, local authorities and school improvement partners

The Hwb Programme aims to provide schools with a simple, compliant route to market to purchase appropriate equipment and services at the most cost-effective price. The programme:

  • leverages our relationships with key suppliers for the benefit of all maintained schools
  • continues to evolve the national procurement service for education technology equipment and services
  • identifies opportunities to include innovative equipment and services to ensure the education technology procurement service meets sector needs
  • leverages the benefits of national procurement opportunities to maximise investment and realise national economies of scale

The Hwb Programme aims to ensure there is a suitable national infrastructure in place to consistently support the needs of schools in accessing and using digital services by:

  • working in partnership with the Public Sector Broadband Aggregation team to ensure digital connectivity meets the needs and ambitions of schools
  • providing seamless integration and access to appropriate education services using our national identity service
  • supporting local authorities to ensure the digital infrastructure meets the needs of schools with a ‘turn it on and it works’ approach
  • ensuring the education digital standards and guidance evolve in line with school needs and current industry standards
  • supporting local authorities to maximise the benefits of a national education infrastructure achieving more efficient and effective ways of working

To support schools in the digital delivery of our national mission, the Hwb programme:

  • ensures all schools have consistent and equal access to a range of bilingual services and content
  • identifies shared services for schools which offers more efficient ways of working or removes complexity and costs from school budgets
  • collaborates with the sector to deliver and modernise services ensuring they are simple, secure and designed around user needs
  • identifies opportunities to help reduce the cost of the school day by providing access to flexible anytime, anywhere digital services to lower the impact of poverty on attainment

Ensuring the effective safeguarding and security of our learners and education settings is paramount. The programme:

  • delivers a national action plan to enhance digital resilience and protect children and young people online
  • provides information, resources, guidance and signposting to other sources of expertise to support digital resilience in the Curriculum for Wales
  • collaborates with industry experts and UK Government departments and Ofcom to inform policy development and regulation, such as the Online Safety Act
  • delivers coordinated activities to support schools with their safeguarding and cyber security obligations including the self-assessment tool 360 safe Cymru
  • raises awareness of online safety and digital resilience through communications and promotional activities to reinforce the importance of safe and responsible use of digital
  • engages with learners and practitioners to ensure resources are accessible, current and trusted

The Hwb Programme supports practitioners and professionals to maximise the benefits of digital services and technology to support learning and teaching. The programme facilitates:

  • collaboration with local authorities, school improvement partners and global technology leaders to support schools to identify and share effective digital pedagogy
  • professional learning opportunities to help improve the digital competence of the workforce