
The aim of Safer Internet Day is to inspire a UK wide conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.

Coordinated in the UK by the UK Safer Internet Centre the celebration sees hundreds of organisations get involved to help promote the safe, responsible and positive use of digital technology for children and young people.

Schools have a major role to play in generating excitement for Safer Internet Day within their communities, as education practitioners, we know that supporting learners as best you can to make smart choices in their online lives is already a top priority.

Safer Internet Day: Tuesday 11 February 2025

This year the UK theme is ‘Too good to be true? Protecting yourself and others from scams online’. This offers a great opportunity to focus on the issue of online scams and, for young people, how to protect themselves and others, as well as what support is available to them.

Get involved

We offer a range of activities and events for schools to get involved with.

Keeping safe online content creators

Earlier this year we invited learners to contribute content to the Keeping safe online area on Hwb, with a focus on this year’s Safer Internet Day theme, online scams.

We’re pleased to be able to launch the learners’ contributions for Safer Internet Day 2025, having received a range of creative video and audio entries. We’d like to offer our gratitude to all those who took part in creating these fantastic contributions.

Playlist of video submissions


For Safer Internet Day 2025 we have partnered with e-sgol to develop bespoke assemblies to help you kickstart conversations about online scams and promote safer internet practices.

In case you missed it

Safer Internet Day Education Packs

We worked with the UK Safer Internet Centre again this year to publish bilingual education packs.

These packs are full of fun activities for all ages and can help you explore with your learners:

  • What influences and changes the way children think, feel and act online and offline?
  • How can we use the internet to make changes?
  • What do we think about new and emerging technology?

There are a range of education packs aimed at different age groups, including:

Avoiding scams

We have teamed up with the UK Safer Internet Centre to produce advice for children and young people and their families to identify and avoid online scams.

Share your Safer Internet Day activities

Across Wales there are opportunities for everyone, including schools, youth groups and families to get involved in Safer Internet Day celebrations on Tuesday 11 February. Schools are invited to share their online safety activities by uploading to our Microsoft Sway.

Contributions will be moderated and then published on Hwb.

To contribute to the Sway complete our upload form.

Other ways that you can show support 

Support the campaign on social media

To find out what other organisations in Wales are doing for Safer Internet Day, search #SIDCymru on social media.

You can also join the global conversation with #SaferInternetDay


Register as a supporter

Show your organisation’s support and commitment to a better internet by registering as a Safer Internet Day supporter.


Quick guide to online scams for parents and carers

  • Spotlight on online scams pdf 175 Kb This file may not be accessible. If you need a more accessible version of this document please email Please tell us the format you need. If you use assistive technology please tell us what this is

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