Suggested audience: learners, school staff, school digital champions, local authority Hwb administrators, regional education consortia Hwb administrators.
Just2easy (J2e) is an award winning software toolset designed for education.
In J2e you will find creativity tools, apps and games for Maths, English, Computing and cross curricular creative activities in a completely personalised learning experience.
All J2e documents have their own unique web address which means, as well as accessing them from any web browser, you can easily share them with teachers, learners, family and friends.
Accessing J2e
Hwb users have two options for accessing Just2easy:
J2launch is the homepage for Just2easy, where you will find a series of tiles linking to the various J2e applications. Click on any one of the tiles to open the application.
There are a variety of language packs available to users, including Welsh.
To change your language setting:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on your name (in the top right corner of the screen) > select my settings.
Click on the flag displayed next to language.
Select an alternative language.
Click on the white cross to close your settings.
Learners will need to log in to J2e before their accounts can be managed by their teacher. They will not be listed in the manage users tile until they have logged in for the first time.
When learners have logged into J2e for the first time they are placed in a class called pupils.
Teachers can then use the manage users tool to arrange learners into classes and teaching groups.
It is a good idea to create a class in J2e one teaching class at a time or you will have multiple learners from different teaching classes in J2e that will be more difficult to sort appropriately.
Learners can only belong to one class, but can be a member of multiple teaching groups.
Creating a class:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the manage users tile.
Click on the classes tab (along the top).
Click + (under manage classes).
Select either registration class or teaching class > type a class name > click ok.
Your class will then appear in the class list.
Adding learners to your class:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the manage users tile.
Click on the classes tab (along the top).
Click on the downwards facing arrow (to the right of the class name) next to the relevant class.
Click on the + icon.
Search for a learner by typing their name and pressing the enter key on your keyboard.
Click on the relevant learner’s name (you can select multiple learners by holding down the Ctrl key on your keyboard when you are selecting the learners) > click ok.
By default, users will be listed with their first name and the first character from their surname.
The display name can be edited by a teacher to distinguish between users with the same name:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the manage users tile.
Click on the manage users tab (along the top).
Click on the relevant user’s display name > you can then type your change.
Alternatively, a user can change their own display name:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on your name (in the top right hand corner of the j2launch screen).
Click my settings.
Type your change in the display name box.
Click on the white cross to close your settings.
Learners' my files folder should move with them from school to school.
For support, please contact the Hwb Service Desk: | 03000 25 25 25.
A teacher can see the files saved by learners in the school by clicking on the pupils files tile from j2launch:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the pupils files tile.
A folder will show for each of your learners. Click on the relevant folder to view the learner’s files.
Files can only be seen by other learners if they are shared directly with them.
There is a 512mb upload limit in J2e.
Users can upload files from their device to their J2e my files area.
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the upload tile.
Drag and drop files from your device into the box.
Click choose files, select a file from your device and click open.
These files will then be available in my files.
You can access J2e in any web browser however, Apple place restrictions on website functionality when using an iPad. This means that some of the functionality of J2e from a desktop or laptop is not available through the browser using an iPad or iPhone. To overcome this, J2e have developed a j2launch app which can be downloaded free from the App store.
Android and Windows devices do not have the same restrictions on them as Apple devices. As such you should be able to use the full functionality of J2e through a browser; an additional app is not required.
j2launch iOS app
The j2launch app looks very similar to the website, with the addition of an extra grey bar across the top of the app. This allows users:
access to the device's camera to upload any photos or videos stored there, or content from other apps that has been saved back to the Camera Roll.
to record images, audio and video live to the site using the camera and microphone built in to the iPad.
to scan a QR code and, if appropriate, add the resulting website as a tile in J2launch.
the option to export files from any other app (such as Keynote: an app to create, edit and deliver presentations from an iPhone or iPad or Book Creator, a simple way to make eBooks on your iPad) and save them into J2e.
Logging in to the j2launch iOS app with a Hwb account
When you load the j2launch app you will be presented with a login screen above a series of icons.
Click on the Hwb icon below the login box.
This will open the Hwb homepage. Log in here with your Hwb username and password.
Click on the Menu (at the top of the page) > click Just2easy.
Note: If you try to log in directly to J2e with your Hwb username and password (without clicking on the Hwb icon first), it will not work.
You will now be able to use the folder, camera, microphone and video icons at the top of the screen to upload content to J2e.
Display name
By default, users will be listed with their first name and the initial from their surname.
The display name can be edited by a teacher to distinguish between users with the same name:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the manage users tile.
Click on the manage users tab (along the top).
Click on the relevant user’s display name > you can then type your change.
Alternatively, a user can change their own display name:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on your name (in the top right hand corner of the j2launch screen).
Click my settings.
Type your change in the display name box.
Click on the white cross to close your settings.
j2launch is the J2e homepage, made up of a series of tiles linking to the various J2e applications. It is possible for you to add extra tiles, organise the tiles into folders and share either tiles or whole folders with groups of learners. These tiles can either be links to other websites (including Hwb playlists) or can be links to j2e5 files.
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click the + icon (at the top of the page).
Choose tile and enter the URL (web address) of the website you want to link to. You can also add a title and a thumbnail, if required.
Click the + at the bottom of the window to add the tile.
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the library icon (at the top of the page).
Hover over any of the tiles for more information and click the blue + symbol to add the relevant tile to your j2launch screen.
Scroll to the top of the page and click the back arrow icon to return to j2launch to view the tiles you have just added.
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the + icon > Select folder.
Name the folder by typing in the name field and add any tags and a description (optional).
Click the blue + icon at the bottom of the screen.
Tiles can then be dragged and dropped into your new folder.
To remove a folder, drag it into the recycle bin (bin icon at the top of the page).
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Hover over the relevant tile/folder and click on the share icon (displayed as two people) which will appear to the right of the tile/folder.
From the drop down menu choose the class, group or user you would like to share the tile/folder with. The tile/folder will then appear in their j2launch next time they log in.
J2Create allows learners and teachers to easily create online content on ‘digital paper’. Text, images and videos can be added and work shared online.
J2Create can also be used to create surveys to gather and analyse data online. All work is saved online and be accessed from any device with a browser.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the J2Create tile.
Select a font and text style using the options on the right hand side.
Click anywhere on the page and type your work.
To change the font or text style after you have typed, highlight the text and use the options on the right hand side. You can also rotate the text using the drag to rotate arrows which appear when you highlight the text.
Click on the green person symbol in the top toolbar.
Four options will appear on the right hand side:
Pictures from my files
Web search – type a search term into the search box and press enter on your keyboard
Pictures shared with you
Upload an image from your device
Select an image and drag and drop it onto your page.
To resize your image, click on it and use the blue squares to drag it to the size you want it. To rotate your image, use the drag to rotate arrows which appear when you click on it.
When you click on your image, options will appear on the right hand side to convert your image to a jigsaw, add a frame and give the image a rounded edge.
You can create shapes in a similar way to how you would in Microsoft Paint:
Click on one of the shape options on the right hand side.
Select an outline thickness by either changing the number or selecting one of the circle sizes.
Click on your page and drag and drop with your mouse to create your shape.
Click on the green W symbol in the top toolbar.
Four options will appear on the right hand side:
Word lists you have created in my wordlists
Library search
Word lists shared with you
Add your own word list
Click on a word list and it will appear at the bottom of the page.
Click on the area of the page you want the word to appear in.
Click on the word from the list at the bottom of the page. The word will then appear in your chosen location.
Click on the blue box with a cursor line in it in the top toolbar.
Five options will appear:
Radio button (this is a circular check box)
Text box (for one line of text)
Text area (for more than one line of text)
Drop list
After you have selected one of these options, click where you would like it to appear on the page. These options can be edited in the toolbar on the right hand side.
Click on the green camera reel icon in the top toolbar.
Select video/sound/embed.
Enter a website URL (e.g. url of a YouTube video) or an embed code > Click ok.
The video/sound clip will appear straight away. You can use your cursor to move it into position and then click your mouse to place it.
Click on the blue table icon in the top toolbar.
Enter the number of columns and rows you require > Click ok.
The table will appear straight away. You can use your cursor to move it into position and then click your mouse to place it.
Click on the relevant cell to type in it. Options will appear in the toolbar on the right hand side to format the text.
Note: You will need data in a table before you can add a chart.
Click on your prepopulated table to select it.
Click on the pink graph icon in the top toolbar.
Add a title, select a chart type and choose if you would like the data series in rows or columns > click ok.
The chart will appear straight away. You can use your cursor to move it into position and then click your mouse to place it.
Click on the grey + symbol in the bottom right hand corner to add a new page. This will open a new blank page.
To go back to the previous page, click on the grey previous page button in the bottom left hand corner.
Click on the red floppy disk button in the top toolbar.
Give your work a title > Click save. Your work will then appear in your my files folder.
Note: You will need to save your work before you can publish it to j2webby.
Click on the orange globe icon in the top toolbar.
Rename your work, if required.
Select one of the blogs > click publish to j2webby.
This work will then appear in the moderation folder for the teacher to approve the work before it is published to j2webby.
Teachers also have the option to create a new page on the j2webby site at step 3 and publish to the new page. This option isn’t available to learners.
Teachers can publish directly to j2webby without moderation.
jit5 is designed for the youngest learners, providing 8 integrated tools that work across platforms. Learners can write, paint, create turtle programs, charts and pictograms, branching databases and animations and then mix them all together into a personal mix. Learners can also record audio to accompany their work.
All the work is saved into learners’ J2e my files area and can be seen by staff at the school, who can also use the learning conversation, which encourages learners to self-reflect and enables teachers to give instant feedback either by text or voice on a piece of work or a whole folder.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the jit5 tile.
Select a template or picture as your background.
Write is the default tool that you will be taken to. To switch tools, click on one of the options in the tabs at the top of the page.
To use the write tool click on the green write tab at the top of the page.
Select a template or picture as your background.
You can now begin to write on your background. To change the font, size and colour, use the options on the left hand side of the page.
You can add a word from a word list to your writing by clicking the arrows underneath the colour options. Scroll through the topics and then click on a word of your choice. This feature can also be used to add Welsh character accents.
To use the paint tool click on the blue paint tab at the top of the page.
Select a template or picture as your background.
Use the controls on the left hand side of the page to change the thickness of your paint brush and a colour. You can also switch to the fill option by clicking on the spilling paint can icon, which will enable you to fill a space with one colour.
To add animations to your work, click on the word that appears between two arrows on the left hand side of the page. Select a theme from the dropdown list and then use the arrows to find an animation you would like to add. Use the + , - and arrow buttons to resize and flip your animation. You can then drag and drop it onto your background.
Turtle is a basic coding tool.
To use the turtle tool click on the green turtle tab at the top of the page.
Select a template or picture as your background.
The default setting is simple however you can change this to advanced by clicking advanced on the left hand side of the page. When using the simple level, the character will move as you press the arrow motion buttons around it. In the advanced level the character won’t move when you press the arrow motion buttons, it will only move after you have guessed the motion using the arrow motion buttons and then pressed the green play button (in the bottom left hand corner of the page).
To use the chart tool click on the orange chart tab at the top of the page.
Select a template or picture as the basis of your chart.
Populate the table on your page with the data you would like to appear in your chart by highlighting the existing data and typing over it. Your chart will update as you are doing this.
You can change the name of your chart by clicking on the title above your chart and typing a new name.
To change the style of your chart (there are four options: pie, bar, line and block), select one of the options on the left hand side of the page. You can hide your table by deselecting it.
To use the pictogram tool click on the red pictogram tab at the top of the page.
Select a template or picture as the basis of your pictogram.
Enter your data by clicking on the + and - symbols above each picture on your page.
To change the pictures in your pictogram, click edit (in the bottom right hand corner of your page). This will bring up options on the left hand side of the page. Click on the word that appears between two arrows and select a theme from the dropdown list. Use the arrows to find a picture you would like to add and then drag and drop it onto your pictogram.
To use the animate tool click on the pink animate tab at the top of the page.
Select a template or picture as your animation background.
You can draw using the paint tools or select an animation picture to add to your video.
Use the controls on the left hand side of the page to change the thickness of your paint brush and a colour.
You can switch to the fill option by clicking on the spilling paint can icon, which will enable you to fill a space with one colour.
To add animations, click on the word that appears between two arrows on the left hand side of the page. Select a theme from the dropdown list and then use the arrows to find an animation you would like to add. Use the + , - and arrow buttons to resize and flip your animation. You can then drag and drop it onto your background.
Use the green + to add additional clips to your video, the animation that you have added in your previous clip will appear greyed out so you can see where the previous slide starts.
To copy a slide click on the small red + and to delete a slide from your animation click on the red X.
Click on the green play button at any time to play your animation.
To use the branch tool click on the purple branch tab at the top of the page.
Select a template or picture as your background.
Put the items you would like in your branching tree in the box on the page using the controls on the left hand side. Click on the green crab button to search through animations, the orange button to search the web and the blue W button to search through word lists. Click on one of the options to add it to your page.
Once you are ready to sort the items, click sort (in the bottom right hand corner of the page).
Type a question into the pink question bar and then you can begin dragging and dropping your items into the correct columns.
Once you have finished, click ok and your branching diagram will appear.
The mix tool is similar to PowerPoint, where you can choose to add text and images to pages from the mix ‘play’ layout.
To use the mix tool click on the black mix tab at the top of the page.
Select a mix play layout and click on the green tick.
Click on the green * symbol at the top of one of the work areas on your page to add a background template or picture.
In writing areas (indicated as ‘Abc…’):
Change the font, size and colour, use the options on the left hand side of the page.
You can add a word from a word list by clicking the arrows underneath the colour options. Scroll through the topics and then click on a word of your choice. This can also be used to add Welsh character accents.
In paint areas (blank spaces):
Use the controls on the left hand side of the page to change the thickness of your paint brush and a colour.
You can switch to the fill option by clicking on the spilling paint can icon, which will enable you to fill a space with one colour.
To add animations to your work, click on the word that appears between two arrows on the left hand side of the page. Select a theme from the dropdown list and then use the arrows to find an animation you would like to add. Use the + , - and arrow buttons to resize and flip your animation. You can then drag and drop it onto your background.
To add a voice recording to the slide, click on the microphone button at the top of the page.
To add a new slide, click on the green + at the top of the page. You will then be asked to select another mix play layout for the new slide.
Use the arrows on either side of the page to scroll between slides.
Click on the orange circle with a blue floppy disk in it (in the top left hand corner) to save your work.
Note: You will need to save your work before you can publish it to j2webby.
Click on the green circle with a blue globe icon in it (in the top left hand corner).
Click ok.
This work will then appear in the moderation folder for the teacher to approve the work before it is published to j2webby.
j2code provides the tools, resources and lesson plans to introduce coding from Foundation Phase all the way to the top of Key Stage 2 and beyond.
All work can be completed in a web browser meaning that no special software is required. All learners’ work is saved to their J2e my files area for review by staff.
The following coding platforms are available in j2code:
jit – for KS1
Visual – for KS1-KS3
Logo – For KS1-KS3
Microbit – For KS1-KS3
You can also import work from Scratch.
j2code includes an emulator for the BBC Microbit, a handheld, programmable micro-computer that can be used to carry out simple creative coding experiments.
There are ‘getting started’ videos available from the main j2code menu which run through all of the j2code functionality.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2code tile.
Learners can access any j2code work they have completed by clicking on My Code from within j2code. Any coding work that has been shared with them can be found by clicking on Shared Code.
j2message enables teachers and learners to message each other in real time. A notification is sent when a new message is available. Teachers may select either school, class, or individual users, to send a message. Pupils may message a teacher, and a teacher can choose to share that message with a class, if they wish. Messages can be deleted but will always be available to download for all teachers via the 'j2message' log button which can be found in the j2dashboard tile.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2messagetile.
Create a message by clicking on school, class, or user and write the message in the box provided. Then press the green send button (on the right hand side of the page).
The message will automatically appear for the chosen user(s) if they have j2message open. If not, they will see a red notification of the number of messages waiting for them on the j2message tile.
Teachers can choose to stop pupils replying to messages in a class by clicking off the “pupil chat” speech icon at the top right of the class message board.
By default, pupil messages will not be seen by other pupils. However, if a teacher clicks on the padlock next to the speech icon at the top right of the class message board, this will change, so that pupils will immediately be able to see other pupils’ messages in that class.
Reply to a message by clicking on the grey “reply button” next to a message
Delete a message by clicking on the red cross next to a message
Teachers can share a message by clicking on the blue “share” button next to a message, this will copy the message into the message box below, where a teacher can add their own comment if desired.
To view a file containing all messages for the school, click on the 'j2message log' audit button on the “j2dashboard” tile. This will download a csv file of all messages for the school, including any deleted messages. Note: messages cannot be edited, so this log will always contain everything.
J2homework allows learners to easily see tasks set by their teacher.
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2homework tile.
If there is a task assigned to you, click the green arrow to show all of the homework instructions
Click the green ‘go to homework’ button
Complete the task.
Return to the j2homework tile and click “Mark complete” so that your teacher knows you have completed the task.
Teacher tools
Assigning homework
Click on the j2homework tile
Click ‘Assign homework’
Write a title for the activity and describe it.
Add a URL to a web resource (optional)
Select the class and date to complete the activity.
Assign the homework.
Teachers can see a ‘Completed by’ list of learner names when a learner marks the task as complete
j2vote enables learners to vote on any question set by their teacher or peers, using tablets, phones and laptops. There is no need for expensive single purpose hand held sets.
The learners' opinions are automatically charted giving a visual representation of the decisions the group have made, with the chart updating dynamically as votes are cast. j2vote can give a teacher a clear indication of the class’ understanding and identify any areas or subjects with which learners need extra help.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2vote tile.
Create a survey by clicking on the green tick (on the right hand side of the page).
Type a question into the your question here box.
Type your first answer into the answer 1 When you finish typing, another box will appear underneath for you to add another answer. To indicate the correct answer, click on the circle to the right of that answer to select it. Alternatively you can select a different survey template by clicking on templates (on the left hand side).
To add additional questions to your survey click on the green arrow (at the bottom of the page).
You will need to name your survey by typing in the vote name box (at the top of the page) before you can save your survey.
Click on the green floppy disk button (at the top of the page).
Once you have saved your survey it will then appear in the my votes tab.
To j2webby:
Note: You will need to save your work before you can publish it to j2webby.
Click on the green globe button (at the top of the page).
Select if you would like to publish the survey by clicking voting or the results of the survey by clicking results.
Select if you would like to publish the survey on a new j2webby page or to an existing blog (using the dropdown menu).
Click publish.
With a QR code:
Your survey will appear under the my votes tab when you enter j2vote.
Hover over the relevant survey and click on the green i symbol.
Click QR code.
The QR code will appear on the screen. Click on the download icon to download this QR code.
Open the survey from a QR code or the shared link in j2webby.
Answer the question/s.
Type your name.
Click ok.
Teachers can lock voting when they want to stop learners from responding to the survey by clicking on the open padlock symbol in the top right hand corner. The symbol will then change to a closed padlock. To re-open it again, click on the symbol again.
Open the survey from my votes.
Click on the green graph icon (in the top right hand corner) to see your survey results in a chart.
To change the type of chart, select one of the options in the bottom right hand corner.
j2data provides a suite of database tools for all learners from Foundation Phase through to secondary school.
The Pictogram, Chart and Branch tools from jit are available alongside a full, online, database creation package.
As with j2code, the suite comes pre-loaded with lesson plans, teaching resources and sample databases for you to explore.
There are getting started videos available from the main j2data menu which demonstrate all of the j2data functionality.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2data tile.
Learners can access any j2data work they have completed by clicking on my data. Any work that has been shared with them can be found by clicking on shared data.
j2whiteboard offers cloud software for your whiteboard. It enables you to present anything on your whiteboard including files, photos and J2e creations as well as giving you the tools to annotate in any way you want and share your whiteboard with your learners.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2whiteboard tile.
To add new content, use the toolbar on the right hand side of the page. This will enable you to write on the page, create shapes and erase (similar to how you would in Microsoft Paint).
Click on the red load button (from the toolbar along the top of the page).
Click on the embed tab, on the far right side of the page.
You then have three options of files to embed:
Files from your my files folder: Click on the red file icon
Files from your shared files folder: Click on the blue people icon
Files from your device: Click on the pink + icon > Click choose file > Select a file from your device > Click open.
Drag and drop your selected file onto your page.
Click on the red load button (in the toolbar along the top of the page).
Click on the media tab on the far right of the page.
You then have four options of media files to embed:
Media from your my pictures & sounds folder: Click on the person icon
Media from the J2e library: Click on the blue cabinet icon
Media from your shared pictures: Click on the blue people icon
Media from the web: Click on the blue globe icon
Drag and drop your selected file onto your page.
To add a new page, click on the + icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page. You can then switch between pages by clicking on the turned up page corners at the bottom of the page on each side.
If you’d like to unveil your whiteboard content a section at a time you can use the curtain tool.
Click on the blue curtain tool icon (in the toolbar along the top of the page).
Your page will then go grey with a few dots around the page.
Click on one of the dots and drag it either down, up or across to unveil your content.
To remove the curtain, click on the blue curtain tool icon again.
Click on the black floppy disk icon (in the toolbar along the top of the page).
Type a file name > click save.
j2office is a cloud based word processor, spreadsheet and presentation package in J2e, specifically designed for schools.
The j2office apps are all compatible with Microsoft Office formats, so after a simple upload you can save and edit your existing documents easily.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2office tile.
Select the application you wish to use from one of the three options:
Writer – the word processing tool
Present – the presentation tool
Begin your work in the relevant application. It will be automatically saved to my files so there is no need to click ‘save’ as you are going along.
Your work will be automatically saved to my files so there is no need to manually save your work.
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the my files tile.
Drag and drop the files from your device into the drop files here box (on the left hand side of the page). Your files will then be saved to J2e’s cloud storage and can be opened and edited in j2office.
Click on a file from my files and it will open in j2office.
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the my files tile.
Hover over the file you want to rename and click on the green i > click rename.
Hover your mouse over the file you wish to share > Click on the green i icon > Click share….
Choose if you would like to publish (to the web – the link and embed codes can be found at the bottom of the popup), password protect (if you choose this option you will need to type a password in the password box) or private share.
Click on the arrows in the worksheet field to open a dropdown menu where you can choose if you’d like to share your file as a worksheet to collaborate on, or as a view only file.
Under shared with you can either type the name of a user or you can click on the arrows to open a dropdown menu where you can choose a teaching class, group of learners or individual learners. If you want the users you are sharing with to be able to edit the file, select the checkbox to the right of their username.
Share your folder using the link, embed code, thumbnail or email options.
Files that have been shared can be found in the shared files folder in j2launch.
Before learners can share files, the option needs to be switched on for the school in the j2dashboard tile:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2dashboard tile.
Under setup there is an option to allow pupils to share files. Select this option.
Learners can then share files in the same way as teachers:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the my files tile.
Hover your mouse over the file you wish to share > Click on the green i icon > Click share….
Choose if you would like to publish (to the web – the link and embed codes can be found at the bottom of the popup), password protect (if you choose this option you will need to type a password in the password box) or private share.
Click on the arrows in the worksheet field to open a dropdown menu where you can choose if you’d like to share your file as a worksheet to collaborate on or a view only file.
Under shared with you can either type the name of a user or you can click on the arrows to open a dropdown menu where you can choose a teaching class, group of learners or individual learners. If you want the users you are sharing with to be able to edit the file, click on the checkbox to the right of their username.
Share your folder using the link, embed code, thumbnail or email options.
Files that have been shared can be found in the shared files folder in j2launch.
j2blast is a games based learning package in J2e focused on spelling, times table and division.
j2blast encourages learners to practice maths and spelling while they do what comes naturally; play and compete against each other. As they progress through the levels, the questions automatically adjust to the learners’ ability so that they never find them too easy or too difficult.
Users can choose to practice or take part in a live game. If no other live players are waiting for a game, robots will join, so it always appears that there are multiple players. The scoreboard shows your place in the class, school and world.
Teachers can see detailed information about the achievements of their learners as well as which aspects they have found difficult.
As the users progress, they earn points which unlock new premium 'alien' characters. This makes learning fun and increases motivation.
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2blast tile.
Click on the SpellBlaster tile.
Click on the quill button to choose your character. You can use the arrows to scroll through the options and if you hover over one of the characters, some colour options will appear. Click on your chosen character and then click generate.
Give your list a name by typing in the name field.
Type your words in the add words box, separating them on different lines > click ok.
You have three options for giving your learners a context for each of your words:
Use the generated context and generated speech
Change the generated context by typing over it but keep the generated speech (listen to your new context being spoken by clicking on the pink speaker button)
Record your own audio
Once you have chosen a context and audio, click ok.
You can share the word list by clicking on the person icon in the top right hand corner of your list. Type the name of a user or use the dropdown to select a class > click add.
You can edit the word list by clicking on the quill icon in the top right hand corner of your list.
Click on the graph button.
An overview of your class’ results for that month will display. To see results from previous months, use the drop down or arrows.
To see the results of a particular user in your class, click on the please choose a user dropdown and select a user. The misspelt words will appear on the right hand side of the page with the most commonly misspelt words showing in larger font.
Have a practice
Note: Turn on the sound on your device before you start.
To practice your spelling click have a practice.
Use the scroll bar to choose a phase based on the required level. Click on your chosen level.
As the words are spoken, type them into the box either using your keyboard or the letter buttons on the page. For each answer you get right, your avatar will move a step closer to the treasure on the trail at the bottom of the page to show progress.
Once you have completed the ten practice questions your score will pop up on the screen with an overview of the questions you got right and wrong > click continue.
To retry the same test, click retry or to move on, click continue.
Go live
Note: Turn on the sound on your device before you start.
To play against others click go live.
The game will then look for other players for you to compete against. If there are not enough available players, the game will add bots for you to compete against.
A countdown will begin before the game starts.
At the end of the game, your score will appear with the leader board for that game below > click continue.
Click on the tt blast tile.
Click on the green pencil button to choose your character. Click on your chosen character and then click generate.
Teacher tools
Click on the graph button.
An overview will show of your class’ results for that month. To change to a different class, click on the please choose a class dropdown.
To see the results of a particular user in your class click on the please choose a user dropdown and select a user.
Have a practice
To practice, click have a practice.
Use the scroll bar to choose a level > Click continue.
Either type your answer using your keyboard and hit the enter key to submit or use the letter buttons on the page. For each answer you get right, the rocket will move around the planets on the trail at the bottom of the page to show progress.
Once you have completed the ten practice questions your score will pop up on the screen with an overview of the questions you got right and wrong > click continue.
To retry the same test, click retry or to move on, click continue.
Go live
To play against others click go live.
The game will then look for other players for you to compete against. If there are not enough available players, the game will add bots for you to compete against.
A countdown will begin before the game starts.
At the end of the game, your score will appear with the leader board for that game below > click continue.
j2write is a suite of teaching aids to assist you when using the literacy tools in J2e, such as jit, j2e5, j2spotlight, j2bloggy and j2webby.
There are lesson plans with detailed ideas on how you can use the tools across Years 1 to 6 as well as links to free literacy resources with further lesson ideas, which can be accessed by clicking on the resources tile. There is also a set of getting started videos.
You can view a list of the schools that have blogged in J2e in the last 7 days by clicking on top schools (at the top of the page). This will show you a list of the top 10 schools as well as a map of all schools in the country that have been blogging. To see what the schools have been blogging about, click on the school name, which will take you to their j2webby site.
j2measure has similar functionality to j2e5 in terms of adding text and images to a ‘digital paper’ however it also provides you with three measuring tools:
Getting started
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2measure tile.
Draw a shape using one of the shape tools (to the right of your page) e.g. click add rectangle and then use your mouse to click on the page and drag your rectangle to the required size.
Click on the purple measure tools icon from the top toolbar and select either a ruler, protractor or compass.
The ruler will appear on the page and can be dragged and dropped to your required location. It can also be rotated by clicking on the circular arrows in the centre of the ruler and moving your mouse.
The protractor will appear on the page and can be dragged and dropped to your required location. It can also be rotated by clicking on the circular arrows in the centre of the protractor and moving your mouse.
The compass will appear on the page and can be positioned using the arrows on one of the grey stems. To rotate the compass, click on the black circle at the bottom of one of the grey stems and move your mouse to create your circle.
You can then use the text tool to type your measurements next to your shape by clicking on the required location and typing.
To change the font or text style after you have typed, highlight the text and use the options on the right hand side. You can also rotate the text using the drag to rotate arrows which appear when you highlight the text.
Click on the red floppy disk icon (in the top toolbar) to save your work.
You will need to save your work before you can publish it to j2webby.
Click on the red j2webby globe icon (in the top toolbar).
Give your work a title and choose if you would like it to appear on a new page or as part of an existing blog > click publish to j2webby.
This work will then appear in the moderation folder for the teacher to approve the work before it is published to j2webby.
j2dashboard is the management tool in J2e, where you can manage settings, users and classes.
School logo
To add your school’s logo to J2e:
Click on the box with an arrow next to school logo.
Select a file from your device > click open.
Your logo will then appear to the right of the upload box. To delete it and start again, click on the bin symbol.
Learner permissions
If you would like to allow learners to chat while collaborating in j2e5, tick the box next to allow chat while collaborating in j2e5.
If you would like to allow your learners to share files, tick the box next to allow pupils to share files.
Adding a custom domain to j2bloggy
To use your own domain for j2bloggy, type your domain name into the box under using your own domain for j2bloggy. You will then need to update your DNS settings to those shown below.
Changing your school information
You can change your school name and contact details by editing these fields.
We recommend creating your classes before you manage users.
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2dashboard tile.
Click on the classes tab (along the top).
Click + (under manage classes).
Select either registration class or teaching class > type a class name > Click ok.
Your class will then appear in the class list.
You can use the manage users feature to add learners to your class:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2dashboard tile.
Click on the manage users tab (along the top).
Search for a user.
Click on the dropdown next to their name under class and select the relevant class.
You can use the j2launch tab in your j2dashboard to hide any tools you would prefer certain classes not to see. This is useful if you would prefer to introduce tools one at a time.
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2dashboard tile.
Click on the j2launch tab (along the top).
Click on the tile you would like to hide.
Under pupil tile management, deselect the class you would like to hide the tile from.
j2bloggy is the website creation tool in J2e, which schools can use to create a public facing website on the Wordpress platform.
A full guide to creating a public facing website using j2bloggy can be found on Hwb. There is also a Hwb Network with video guides for further support.
If you would like to use your own domain name for your j2bloggy site, you will need to update the settings in j2dashboard:
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2dashboard tile.
Under using your own domain for j2bloggy, type your domain name.
You will then need to update your DNS settings with those shown on the page.
j2webby allows the easy sharing of learners' work from any of the J2e tools to the wider world via a WordPress powered website.
Learners (or teachers) simply click on the j2webby icon in any of the tools and their work is sent to the school's j2webby site.
Work is not published until it has been approved by a member of staff using the moderation tile. Once the work is approved and published it can be shared with anyone in the world.
The link below explains how to blog using j2webby:
Any work that a learner tries to share with another user or wishes to display on the school's j2webby site will be automatically sent to their teacher for moderation and approval.
Teachers can monitor and approve work by clicking on the moderate tile from J2launch and selecting for moderation from the options down the left hand side of the page.
By default, you have to be logged in to J2e to comment on any work in j2webby; comments from visitors are not allowed. However, staff can switch on the function to allow visitors to comment in the j2webby dashboard:
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2webby tile.
Hover over your school name in the black bar along the top of the page > click Dashboard.
Click Settings (from the options down the left hand side of the page).
Next to Open Comments, select the check box to allow comments on posts when a user is not signed in > Click Save Changes.
Any comments left in j2webby will be held for moderation by staff before publication.
Hover your mouse over the file you wish to share > Click on the green i icon > Click share….
Choose if you would like to publish (to the web – the link and embed codes can be found at the bottom of the popup), password protect (if you choose this option you will need to type a password in the password box) or private share.
Click on the arrows in the worksheet field to open a dropdown menu where you can choose if you’d like to share your file as a worksheet or a collaborative document.
Under shared with you can either type the name of a user or you can click on the arrows to open a dropdown menu where you can choose a teaching class, group of learners or individual learners.
Share your folder using the link, embed code, thumbnail or email options.
Files that have been shared can be found in the shared files folder in j2launch.
It is also possible to share j2e5 files from within j2e5:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2e5 tile.
Complete your work.
Save your work using the red save icon in the top menu bar.
Click on the purple share icon in the top menu bar to bring up the share options described above.
Before learners can share files, the option needs to be switched on for the school in j2dashboard:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2dashboard tile.
Under setup there is an option to allow pupils to share files. Select this option.
Once this has been switched on, learners can share files in the same way as teachers:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the my files tile.
Hover your mouse over the file you wish to share > Click on the green i icon > Click share….
Choose if you would like to publish (to the web – the link and embed codes can be found at the bottom of the popup), password protect (if you choose this option you will need to type a password in the password box) or private share.
Click on the arrows in the worksheet field to open a dropdown menu where you can choose if you’d like to share your file as a worksheet or a collaborative document.
Under shared with you can either type the name of a user or you can click on the arrows to open a dropdown menu where you can choose a teaching class, group of learners or individual learners.
Share your folder using the link, embed code, thumbnail or email options.
Files that have been shared can be found in the shared files folder in j2launch.
It is also possible to share j2e5 files from within j2e5:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2e5 tile.
Complete your work.
Save your work using the red save icon in the top menu bar.
Click on the purple share icon in the top menu bar to bring up the share options described above.
There are several options for setting homework in J2e:
Create the worksheet as a j2e5 file (this could be copied and pasted if it already exists in another format), save and share the file with your class.
The learners will find this worksheet in their shared files folder. They will need to open the worksheet and click on the save button to make a copy of the worksheet in their my files folder. They can then add their answers and save the file, which you will then find in the pupils files folder.
Comments can be added directly to the file or given using the learning conversation tool:
In the pupil files tile, you will see a folder for each of your learners. Click on the relevant folder and a list of their work will appear.
Hover over a piece of work (in the 4th column) and a speech bubble will display.
Click on the speech bubble and you can type feedback for the learner about their work. You can also add voice notes, photos and attachments using the symbols to the right of the text box.
By changing worksheet to collaborative document in the share menu it is possible to have a group of learners working together on a document, rather than creating their own copy.
It is possible to collaborate on a single j2e5 file, although not in files created in any of the other J2e tools:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2e5 tile.
Save your work using the red save icon in the top menu bar.
Click on the purple share icon in the top menu bar to bring up the share options.
Choose if you would like to publish (to the web – the link and embed codes can be found at the bottom of the popup), password protect (if you choose this option you will need to type a password in the password box) or private share.
Click on the arrows in the worksheet field to open a dropdown menu and choose collaborative document.
Under shared with you can either type the name of a user or you can click on the arrows to open a dropdown menu where you can choose a teaching class, group of learners or individual learners.
Share your folder using the link, embed code, thumbnail or email options.
Other users will find the file in their shared files folder.
It is possible to publish a file so that anyone outside the school can view it:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the my files tile.
Hover over the file you would like to share and click on the green i symbol > Click share.
In the top row of the pop-up window choose either publish or password (if you select the password option you will need to enter a password in the password box).
At the bottom of the pop-up you will see a link which you can copy and give to external users to view.
Alternatively, at step 3 you can choose QR code rather than share to display a QR code link to your file.
When learners share their files in this way they will be held for moderation by a teacher in the moderate folder before they become visible.
You must publish the file in order for your QR codes to work:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the my files tile.
Hover over the relevant file and click on the i icon.
Click share and ensure that either the publish or password options are chosen.
j2webby allows the easy sharing of learners’ work from any of the J2e tools to the wider world via a WordPress powered website.
Learners (or teachers) simply click on the j2webby icon (blue and green globe or publish button) in any of the J2e tools and their work is sent to the school's j2webby site.
The work is not published until it has been approved by a member of staff in the moderate tile.
Once the work is approved and published it can be shared with anyone in the world. There is the option for visitors to be able to leave comments, although again, these are held for moderation by staff before publication.
Marking, assessment and feedback
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the pupil files tile.
Locate the piece of work you would like to provide feedback on, hover over it and click on the speech bubble.
You can type a message and you have the option to give the work a title (in the title box) and grade the work (in the grade box).
Click on the X (in the top right hand corner of the pop up) and the feedback is automatically saved.
The learner will know there is a comment because a speech bubble will appear over the file in their my files folder, containing the number of comments.
The learner can comment back to the teacher in the same way.
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the pupil files tile.
Locate the piece of work you would like to mark, hover over it and click on the green i.
Click add progression. This opens the LNF framework.
Select the elements of the LNF you are addressing, the year group statements you wish to use and click the green box next to the statement that applies to the work.
Click on the X (in the top right hand corner) and the feedback is automatically saved.
j2review is an area where teachers can review learners’ work and assess their progression.
Accessing j2review:
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2review tile. You can also access j2review by clicking on the my files tile and then selecting j2review from the options on the left hand side of the page.
Adding progression:
Click on the relevant cell under the progression column.
Select a framework from the dropdown options at the top of the page.
Select the box under the meeting column if one of the skills are met.
Click the black X (in the top right hand corner) to return to the overview.
Printing an overview of your class’ progress:
Log in to Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2review tile.
Select the items you would like to include in the overview by clicking the white tick box in the first column of the list.
Once you have selected all items, click the download icon (orange cloud with a white arrow above the list of work). This will download the learner or class progress to a CSV file.
Any work that has been published by the learners will go into the teacher’s moderate folder, where they can check the work before publishing it.
Accessing the moderate folder:
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the moderate tile. You can also access moderate by clicking on the my files tile and then selecting for moderation from the options on the left hand side of the page.
Publishing a learner’s work:
Click on the word link (under Moderate). This will then list all of the work that is awaiting publishing.
Hover over a piece of work and click the preview button to check the work.
Once you are happy with the work click publish.
Language settings
The default language for the Just2Easy app is English, however you can change this to Welsh through the following steps:
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2Easy.
Click on your profile in the top right hand corner > Click My Profile
Under Language Choose Cymraeg > Click the cross in the top right to close the pop-up.
The app will then refresh and you will be presented with the interface in Welsh.
Public facing websites
j2bloggy is the website creation tool in J2e, which schools can use to create a public facing website on the Wordpress platform.
A full guide to creating a public facing website using j2bloggy can be found on Hwb. There is also a Hwb Network with video guides for further support.
If you would like to use your own domain name for your j2bloggy site, you will need to update the settings in j2dashboard:
Log into Hwb and navigate to Just2easy.
Click on the j2dashboard tile.
Under using your own domain for J2bloggy, type your domain name.
You will then need to update your DNS settings with those shown on the page.
Further support
For further support please contact the Hwb Service Desk: | 03000 25 25 25.