
The key aim of the web filtering standards outlined on this page is that they will enable access to websites that support the effective delivery of teaching and learning in schools.

A common set of agreed standards for internet access provides the tools for schools to make informed choices over filtered provision whether delivered by the local authority or another provider.

It is critical that filtering standards are fit for purpose for 21st century teaching and learning, allowing the access schools require whilst still safeguarding children and young people.

The standards will provide learners with the opportunity to learn within a safe, responsible and supportive environment and prevent access to inappropriate content.  An effective online safety programme of education should supplement this guidance to teach children and young people the importance of responsible and considerate online behaviours.

Special schools and pupil referral units should adopt the suggested categories based on the abilities of their learners rather than that of their chronological age as appropriate.

The standards are updated from 2018 in conjunction with Smoothwall and the Technical Standardisation Group.

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