
We are all responsible for learners in Wales. The National Improvement Framework gives clarity to the school system by focusing on our collective purpose and goal, outlining the key themes for self-evaluation and improvement planning, and identifying essential enablers of improvement.

The National Improvement Framework should align system-wide activity around evaluation and improvement and provides a coherent approach and consistent language in this regard. It should also help to focus and align the way we report, gather and share intelligence.

Our aim: progression for all learners

Our aim is to enable all learners to reach their full potential as they make progress towards the four purposes.

Self-evaluation and Improvement Planning: three key themes

When considering the issues which may impact on learner progress it will be important to explore the following themes (and the interrelationship between them):

  • Vision, Leadership and Management
  • Curriculum, Learning and Teaching
  • Wellbeing, Inclusion and Equity

Enabling and supporting improvements: collaboration and professional learning

Purposeful collaboration and effective professional learning are critical components in driving improvements.

Schools will need to work together in an effective and efficient manner to refine their evaluation and improvement processes.

Operating as a learning organisation will be crucial in securing sustainable improvement.