About the national endorsement criteria and its 3 categories.
The endorsement process is in its pilot phase and may change in future.
The following criteria solely apply to the endorsement of national professional learning provision. Endorsement of leadership development provision is led by the National Academy for Educational Leadership.
There are 3 endorsement categories:
1. Rationale for design
The purpose and aims of the provision align with national policy requirements and contemporary research.
1.1 A clear rationale outlining how the provision has been designed to support the needs of local, regional or national professional learning requirements.
1.2 Specific details of the intended audience and how the provision is contextualised.
1.3 Provide at least three specific examples to explicitly demonstrate how relevant policy frameworks underpin the purpose and aims of the provision. Examples of policy frameworks that may be relevant to the provision are below:
- Our national mission: high standards and aspirations for all
- Curriculum for Wales
- National Approach to Professional Learning
- Professional Learning Entitlement
- Professional standards for teaching and leadership
- Schools as learning organisations
- Framework for Evaluation, Improvement and Accountability
- Hallmarks of well-led professional learning
1.4 Highlight other policy frameworks relevant to the provision’s purpose and aims, as appropriate. For example Additional Learning Needs Reform; the Well-being of Future Generations Act; Anti-racist Wales Action Plan.
1.5 Demonstrable evidence that the provision is underpinned and continually informed by research, in line with the principles of the National Strategy for Educational Research and Enquiry (NSERE).
2. Delivery and learning model
The delivery and learning model draws on best practice and is accessible to the target audience.
2.1 Mode(s) of delivery align to the National Approach/Professional Learning Blend (i.e. accessibility measures and consideration national/regional/local contexts as appropriate).
2.2 Deployment of qualified personnel with relevant expertise (facilitators, coaches, mentors etc) is appropriate to the target audience.
2.3 Equitable and accessible opportunities for learning are in line with the Equality Act, 2010 and the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.
2.4 Learning intentions are appropriate and relevant to fully meet the requirements of the target audience.
2.5 There are opportunities to develop new or deepen existing professional knowledge, through innovative and practice-focused approaches.
2.6 Opportunities exist for participants to collaborate, engage in enquiry and critical reflection (for example via the Professional Learning Passport) and set future goals to embed learning and enhance practice.
2.7 Efficient and effective administrative systems are in place to support delivery.
3. Evaluation, impact and sustainability
Evaluation and impact strategies underpin all aspects of the provision.
3.1 Rigorous and robust quality assurance processes are in place to ensure high quality implementation.
3.2 Feedback is gathered from facilitators, participants and others as appropriate, to inform an ongoing improvement cycle.
3.3 A process is in place to monitor and evaluate facilitators’ skills and knowledge to ensure they are of a consistently high standard.
3.4 There is a process to monitor the impact of the provision on practitioners and/or pupil progress in the short, medium and long term.
3.5 There is a clear approach to ensure the provision is sufficiently responsive to evolving participant needs and interests.
3.6 There is evidence that the provision is deemed to be of value, for example time and financial investment.
3.7 Opportunities for the future development of the provision are considered within the provision design.