Report an online issue
Reporting harmful content or activity that you have experienced or witnessed online is one important way of ensuring that more people are protected from harm online.
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Reporting an online issue and getting harmful content removed
Most online service providers offer a reporting function for account holders and some offer a public reporting function to enable a third party to make a report on behalf of a child or young person. Informing platforms or other specialist services can enable appropriate action to be taken and help to create a safer online environment for everyone.
The app guides for families on Hwb give advice on how to report an issue on some of the most popular social networks, apps and gaming sites.
Remember, if you think that someone is in immediate harm, then you should call 999 to report it to the police.

Things to consider when reporting
Tips to help you report both illegal, and legal but harmful, content
Gather evidence
If you have witnessed or experienced harmful content online and want to report this, gather the appropriate evidence that will help when reporting. If possible, take screenshots, URLs and dates and time, these can all help.
Identify the correct reporting channel
When reporting content online it is crucial you use the correct service to report your issue, this will ensure that you are getting the right support.
Talk to someone you trust
It’s important to get support if you have experienced an issue online. If you’re looking for help or information, but you’re worried about starting a conversation with an adult, here are some tips.
This guide can also help parents and carers have a conversation with their child about a sensitive issue.
Specialist reporting tools that can support you with reporting content online

Report Harmful Content
Report Harmful Content is a national reporting centre to assist with reporting harmful content online. The service aims to provide support specifically for the following types of harm: online abuse; bullying or harassment; threats; impersonation; unwanted sexual advances (not image based); violent content; self-harm or suicide content; pornographic content.

Report Remove
Children and young people can use Childline’s Report Remove tool to report nude images and videos they are worried have been, or might be, shared publically.
This video explains how Report Remove can help if a nude image or video of you has been shared online.

Action Fraud
The UK’s national reporting centre for fraud and cybercrime where you should report fraud if you have been scammed, defrauded or experienced cybercrime in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Report concerns about online sexual abuse safely and securely on the Child Exploitation and Online Protection website.

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)
Report child sexual abuse content and non-photographic child sexual abuse images.
Views from the experts

Report Harmful Content
In this article from SWGfL, the role of its national reporting centre in providing advice about all types of online harm and signposting users to the correct services is explained.