
What you need to know

Sharing nudes and semi-nudes – sometimes referred to as ‘sexting’ – is the creation and sharing of nude or semi-nude images, videos or live streams. Children and young people often share such photos and videos through devices, online platforms and messaging apps.

Generative AI has contributed to an increase in computer-generated nude images and videos. These may be created using tools such as photo or video editing software, deepfake generators, nudify apps and AI text-to-image generators.

Young people may share images of themselves or others with peers, people who they are in romantic relationships with, or people they don’t know. There can be many different motives or reasons behind the behaviour, some more harmful than others.

When incidents only involve under 18 year-olds situations will be considered on a case-by-case context, with some dealt with as a safeguarding and/or criminal matter.

If you become aware of a child or young person in possession of indecent images of either themselves or others under 18, then it's important to act so that they can be appropriately supported and safeguarded.


The sharing of nudes and semi-nudes of people under 18 with or by adults constitutes child sexual abuse and the police should be informed as a matter of urgency. The law also applies to digitally manipulated or AI-generated imagery of children under 18.


Responding to incidents of sharing nudes or semi-nudes

This training module can support DSPs and senior managers within education settings to effectively respond to incidents of sharing nudes or semi-nudes. It accompanies the Welsh Government guidance, Sharing nudes and semi-nudes: Responding to incidents and safeguarding children and young people.

Short video to help schools understand:

  • guidance to develop policies and practice
  • current image sharing safety concerns 
  • confidential advice and reporting services available 

Views from the experts

Sharing nudes

David Wright, UK Safer Internet Centre Director

Sextortion (Sexually coerced extortion)

Internet Watch Foundation (IWF)


Information for children and young people