What schools need to know about web scraping
Web (or sometimes ‘data’) scraping involves the automated extraction of content and data from the web.
- Part of
Authorities are reporting an increase in incidents involving web scraping. These incidents particularly occur on social media and other websites that host publicly accessible data and content.
Web scraping allows public content to be collected at scale.
Risks for schools
Images can be collected by third parties that schools may not be able to see, identify or stop. Scraping images from social media or school websites creates privacy risks and potential harms for children and young people. The images may be:
- used
- misused
- manipulated and used for reasons that were not consented to
Considerations before posting images
Before posting any image online, consider:
- who will be able to see the image and how they could use it
- how to keep control of the image
- whether there is a better way to share the image than on a public site
- whether posting the image could expose a child or young person to any risks or make them vulnerable
Remember, any image publicly published can be copied, downloaded, screenshotted or shared by anyone. These images may be adapted and used inappropriately.
Risks of sharing images
Posting images on social media platforms and other websites can make a child more vulnerable. This is particularly the case if an image is shared alongside information such as personal details or location tags.
Posting images online can also impact on a child or young person's digital footprint. The potential risks of digital exposure can last a lifetime. Young people may not always be comfortable with how their images are portrayed, both now and in the future.
For further support on using social media schools should use the following guidance.

Practices and principles for schools' use of social media
This guidance aims to support schools and education settings in Wales to plan their approach to using social media in a safe, professional and positive way as part of school communications.
Further support

App guides
This collection of guides equips you with the key information you should know about popular social media apps, including safety and security settings.

Professionals Online Safety Helpline (POSH)
Operated by the UK Safer Internet Centre this helpline is solely dedicated to supporting all members of the community working with or for children with any online safety issues they, or children and young people in their care, may face.
Support for learners and their families
Sharing pictures of your children
A guide for parents on the risks of sharing information and pictures of their children online.
Online reputation and digital footprint
Advice for children and young people on being careful about what they post online.
Social media
Advice for children and young people on how to keep their social media accounts safe.
Family tip sheet
A short guide about how to post, comment and upload responsibly.